He smiled at me then made his way around the counter and to the fridge.

All the while, eyeing Lilly.

I wanted to smack the shit out of him for teasing her so much but thankfully she paid him no attention and instead focused on helping me with the cake.

An hour later,we were successfully icing the cake and were ready to present it.

Nick had lazed about on the couch the whole time, watching episodes of Breaking Bad and now we were finished, he strolled into the kitchen to assess our handy work.

"I'm impressed, ladies," he said eyeing up the cake and he brought his arm over my shoulder whilst Lilly avoided eye contact at all cost.

I smiled and looked at the clock. It was almost 4 o'clock and thankfully Lilly had just finished wrapping Kit's present for me because we needed to leave,and now.

We got changed quickly, almost slapping on makeup but in an organised fashion.

Despite her refusal, it made it a lot easier for us to drive together to Delta. Lilly understably didn't want to drive with Nick, but she didn't really have a choice. I was so grateful once she just agreed. It made things a lot easier and she jumped into the back of his car, looking uncomfortable as hell.

I gave her a look, thanking her with my eyes for doing this for me.

As Nick drove I could feel his eyes constantly glancing to his rearview mirror, that he pretended to be repositioning so he good get a "better view of the cars behind us."

I smiled, eyeing him.

"What?" he asked.

I shook it off, knowing exactly why he'd adjusted his rearview mirror. Lilly had dressed herself quickly in a beautiful dress that showed her cleavage perfectly.

Her hair was down and as always, she looked absolutely gorgeous.

I'd gone with a simple black dress that flowed outwards in a skater style.

Lilly had done my hair quickly, with her professional skills she'd whipped my hair into a decorative braid, allowing some of my curls to fall free along with my side-fringe.

Once we gotclose to Delta, Lilly sat forward, and I could feel her holding onto the back of the front seat where I sat.

"I can't believe I'm about to seetheDelta…"

I nodded. "First, we'll need to pass security."

"Tricia has briefed everyone so we should get through with no problems," Nick said and I nodded, waiting for the familiar uneasiness that came every time I got to this point.

"You okay?" Nick asked and I felt Lilly's hand reaching over my shoulder as we reached the security point.

"I'm fine," I said once the masked man came out of the little hut and towards Nick's car.

"He's just checking the car," Nick said once he looked back at Lilly.

"I can understand why they freak you out, Eves. This guy is a freaky fucker."

I smiled and held back a chuckle. Lilly always knew how to ease my mind even without meaning to. She was doing averygood job at appearing like she was fine but I knew differently. That what had happened had destroyed her and that it would take time. She knew that she had to do it, and I knew she'd do it all over again in a heartbeat, if she had to. It still didn't make the fact that she'd killed someone any easier to bare. Once we were clear to go ahead, Lilly sat forward again, pulling on my chair as she did.

"Thisis Delta?" She asked and I nodded, staring at the two buildings.

"Well, technicallythat's Delta," I said pointing to the glass building.

"That'sthe safe house," I added.

Once we parked up, it was time to activate Ninja organising mode.