We planned to hold his surprise at the end of the day, and at Delta. His full team were involved, even Tricia. It was a very well organized plan, even if I did say so myself.

I had to secretly source ingredients for his cake and have his present delivered to his brothers house for them to stash for me.

Now all I had to do was bake a cake…

Piece of cake, right?

At least Lilly was on her way over to help. It acted as a good distraction for her, and I knew she needed it after what had happened with Maddie.

I started weighing all the ingredients I would need and placed them aside to gather the equipment.

An hour later, we were pretty concerned. About ready to make a dash to the supermarket to buy a cake, we decided to start again.

"Okay, we have enough ingredients to make one more double layered cake of perfection, you ready?" Lilly asked, handing me a spoon so I could start creaming the marg' with the sugar…

I nodded, taking it from there.

"At this rate, we're not gonna have time to—"

The security system beeped, letting us know that someone had entered the front door and we both stared at each other.

Had Kit come back home?

"Hey, it's me!" Nick said and I took a deep breath while Lilly's body language instantly shifted and became very awkward, as expected.

Once inside the kitchen, Nick spluttered a few times then eyed Lilly, currently covered in flour and splattered with cake batter.

"What the hell happened?" He asked and I lifted the bin lid to show him the last cremated cake still crisping inside the bin liner.

"Panic averted! We're making another."

"Panic averted? Next time you'll probably burn the house down…"

"Trust you to talk about fire. Not really the best time, you pillock, her grandparents house was recently burnt down in a catastrophic fire!" Lilly scolded him and Nick stared at her as she stood glaring at him.

"You're really hot when you're angry, you know?"

"Your face makes me angry," Lilly answered.

"Exactly my problem. Which goes back to you being hot as fuck,all the time..."

"Don't try and sweet talk me you little twat."

"Little twat?" he teased her and I saw it as my time to step in once Lilly started chanting that she was going to smack him.

It made Nick smile, knowing he'd affected her and I gave him a stern look that made his face change almost straight away into an apologetic one.

"I brought the presents you had stashed at our house, and the decorations. Tricia said we won't have long to set up. He showers pretty quickly before leaving."

"Then perhaps you should make yourself useful and stall him," Lilly said to him.

"That's not a bad idea, Petal."

"Don'tcall me that."

"Fine. I'll be in there waiting for you to be done. Eves, can I—"

"Nick, like you even have to ask if you can get something to eat. Help yourself…"