"It's good to see them having a good time. Like normal guys."

Kit nodded. "You see the professional side. You haven't seen them on a night out after a few beers."

"And you have?"

"Obviously…" he smirked and I smiled back at where their bodies had turned back to face the bar.

Once seated, I glanced around the table and saw Maddie sat directly opposite me. As if the devil himself had organised the seating arrangement and had placed her directly across from me. It then dawned on me that Nick wasn't here, neither were any of Kit's brothers.

"Why aren't your brothers here?" I asked against Kit's ear.

"Despite there being a ball, work at Delta has to continue. This whole event is on lockdown and is watched from inside Delta. Nick is in charge of monitoring tonight alongside Tricia."

I nodded, that didn't explain why the rest of his brothers weren't here.

"My brother's prefer not to attend things like this. I used to be the same but now that I'm in charge, I kind of have to."

Kit took a drink and then looked back at me. "Plus, I never had a date. Never had a reason to wanna come."

I glanced over at Maddie then, wondering if he'd ever attended one of these things with her.

Our attention was brought to the huge stage at the far end of the room as a guy took to the stage with a microphone.

"Evening, ladies and gents. I want to thank you all for coming. Shortly, we will start our charitable donations but first, I'd like to invite our recently appointed head, Kit to the stage to say a few words."

I smiled like everyone else did and clapped my hands. I wasn't expecting him to reach down to kiss my cheek as he stood up. I watched as he buttoned up his jacket on the way up to the stage. As he made his way up the steps, and everyone clapped, lads hollered at him and I watched as he grinned at them and I couldn't have felt prouder of him. I couldn't believe that this guy was my boyfriend. All of these people looked up to him as a leader and it reminded me of what an amazing guy he truly was. He tapped the guy who had introduced him on the back and thanked him.

"Well," Kit cleared his throat and looked around the room. His eyes fell on me and I smiled up at him. "I've been blessed to be a part of this life-changing firm. I truly want to thank all of you for supporting and investing in this movement. For being here another year, and aiding the crucial work we do here at Delta." He took a break and looked over at me again. "Over a year ago, we all lost the heart of this company. And when I say the heart, I mean the very existence of this company. I am truly proud to stand in his place, to honour him the best that I can and thank him for this."

As Kit said the last of his words his eyes connected with mine again and a lump formed in my throat as my eyes filled with tears.

"I hope you all have an amazing night, and I'd like to raise a glass for Mr. Johnson and his amazing family."

The tears threatening my eyes leaked down my cheeks as the whole room lifted their glasses along with Kit and toasted to my family. Once he came back to the table he moved his arm around my back and hugged me into his chest before kissing me.

"Thank you," I said, trying to wipe my eyes clear so that the whole room didn’t see me welling up.

Once our eyes parted, our attention was brought back to the stage. Kit kept a hold of my hand as a table was wheeled onto the stage to start the donations. I noticed Maddie staring at us and once she saw me looking, she smiled and looked away. She looked absolutely beautiful and it made me feel uncomfortable as I sat across from her. It was like torture, honestly. I blinked a few times and then admired the table decor. Each table had gold candles and red roses set up in short bouquets. The table was laid with a gold table runner and each of the candles were lit, creating a warm atmosphere. I closed my eyes briefly and enjoyed Kit's thumb brushing against my hand as a screen came down onto the stage. Then, one by one, different items were shown up on the screen. Including holidays, luxury cars, even a luxurious cake. I sat fascinated as members of the audience bid thousands of pounds on each prize.

"What do they get out of this?" I asked close to Kit's ear.

"Not only do they have this luxurious night, something all the rich enjoy, they get unlimited protection. They have stock shares. Every job we're given, we're paid for. The price is usually unthinkable but the price on someone's life is never high enough. Each time we're paid, they get paid too. This event is like a sport to them, a way to gamble away their wealth. When you've got that much money, spending ridiculous amounts on a car is nothing. It's in their best interest to invest in the company."

Jesus. My dad was a clever son of a bitch.

Once the bids had been placed, and prizes had been claimed it was time to dance and I watched as most couples got up to head to the dancefloor.

"You ready?" Kit asked me and I waited for him to explain but he stood up and offered me his hand.

He already knew I couldn't dance, but the way Kit looked at me made me take his hand and he lead me to the ballroom floor. I lowered my head as we passed people but on the way we were stopped by a couple.

"Kit, a pleasure to see you," a middle-aged man dressed very finely shook Kit's hand and his partner smiled at me.

They both looked at me carefully, and I wondered why.

"Miss Johnson," he said and I smiled, taking his hand.

"Eve, this is Cameron Harrison. He is a massive sponsor for Delta and attends our events every year."