"It's astounding to meet you, your dad would be so proud. You look beautiful," Cameron said.

His partner nodded and it left me speechless after shaking both of their hands.

"Thank you so much," I said breathlessly.

Kit must have felt my uneasiness because he excused us and lead me back towards the dancefloor.

"I told you," he said while placing his hand on my lower back.

"They can't believe it's you. They can't believe how unbelievably beautiful you are and they're astounded that you're here representing your dad. You're doing him proud."

I brought my head to his shoulder as beautiful music played and Kit led me into the dance. As happy as I was about doing my father proud for being here, I wanted to enjoy this with Kit. I wanted everyone to just leave and to dance here with him, alone. Placing a kiss to my head, he held me close as he swayed us from left to right. When I looked back up at him he looked into my eyes and waited for me to speak.

"Yes," I said randomly, and I wasn't expecting him to understand why I was saying it.

"Yes, I'll move in with you," I added.

"You're serious?" he began smiling and I reflected it and nodded.

He kissed me hard then, stopping to just kiss me in the centre of the dancefloor. It felt like a movie. Like I'd been scooped up into the movie-stars arms and kissed in perfect timing.

After a while,we both left the dancefloor to get drinks and I headed to the toilet, despite Kit's reservations about letting me go alone, he didn't have a choice. Once I returned I made my way over to the bar and saw it was packed with people. Kit was one of them, holding our drinks in hand as he returned. I decided to stay here and wait for him when Maddie came up beside me and stood beside the small table I was occupying. The table had nibbles and little dishes with sweets inside for people to help themselves too. She picked up a few, eyeing me all the more. I wasn't going to let her stare without my acknowledgement so I stared right back.

"You having a good time?" she asked and I realised this was the first time she'd ever spoken to me.

This girl was pretending to be me, faking a relationship with my boyfriend, and I'd never even spoken to her before. I nodded to her question and watched as Kit had been stopped once more by another couple wanting to talk to him. He hadn't noticed us talking here.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Maddie said, looking around the room.

Again I nodded, "It really is."

“Shall I show you my old room?” she asked, looking me up and down.

“Your old room?”

“My old room here? I used to live here, didn’t Kit tell you?”

“You lived here?”

“That’s how we met, me and Kit.”

I had no idea she and Kit had met here, it made me wonder what else I didn’t know.

“I was brought here and given a room. We both joined Delta around the same time… We spent hours in that room,” she continued whilst looking down at my body once more. This time, I looked at myself and wondered why the hell she kept assessing me like she was.

“That’s what I don’t get.”

I looked around randomly, waiting for her to continue.

“I know him better than anyone, it was me who was there for him after his father had torn him to shreds. It was me who showed him love, and even now he still comes to me with his problems, the problems he can’t sort through with you. Still, he picks you. What do you have that I don’t? I could have given him a baby.”

It took me a second to digest what she’d said.

“You love him, don’t you?” I asked, feeling sick to my stomach.

“If you love him why are you doing this? Why did you agree to this mission to protect me if you fucking hate me?”

“I envy you,” she said, hatred lacing her words.