He just stared at me again, as if he were begging me with his eyes to come to terms with him.

"I just wanna be with you, just us, without all of this shit. If I could give you that, I would. I can't just make all of this go away, no matter how hard I try."

"Why didn't you just tell me? The thing with you and Maddie, I know now, so why couldn't you just tell me from the start?"

"Jesus, Eve, I knew you'd never agree to it. You'd have marched in here demanding things to be different. We weren't even sure it was gonna work. That day at the gym when Lilly saw me with Maddie, we were just getting into character. Despite being with her before, I just couldn't pull it off knowing it was behind your back."

"So, what did you do, hold snogging rehearsals every day at the gym? Then dye her hair to make it more believable?"

I could see the anger in Kit's eyes.

"No Eves, but we have been spending a lot of time together for work purposes. I wanna make that clear, me and Maddie are only good friends. Maddie switches from blonde to brunette all the time. It's not unusual to see her blonde."

"That sounds wonderful," I answered, the sarcasm clear in my voice.

Kit rolled his eyes and moved closer.

"I don't expect you to ever be okay with this, I get that. Can you try to make this work with me until we find the bastards causing this?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

He sighed and ran his fingers through the strands of hair at the front of my face.

"I can't lose you, Eves. I'm doing all of this for you because I love you."

I closed my eyes at the sensation his fingers were causing against my skin. He took the opportunity to hold my face and kiss me. And boy, did he kiss me. At first, it started as an innocent kiss as if he was just testing the water. Before too long he held me against the tree as his lips assaulted mine and his hand held onto my waist.

"God, I love you, Eves," he said between kisses.

When we eventually found the strength to stop, he brought me close for a hug, my lips landing against his neck.

"I love you too," I breathed against his skin, knowing loving Kit was something I'd never have control over.

"He works fast,"Jesse scoffed as we both came back into the meeting room, and I unthreaded my fingers from Kit's as he shut the door.

"Sorry about that," I apologised before taking my seat again.

Charles and Keith were both over at the drinks making machine but each returned to the table as I sat down.

"Don't be sorry, Eve, we all know how much of a shock this must be for you."

I nodded and thanked Tricia.

"I'm assuming Kit has filled you in on our current mission?"

I nodded again, glancing at Maddie while she stared at me. I wasn't sure if I was just being paranoid or if she really was sizing me up. She made sure to offer her best smile when I caught her staring. I must have been crazy to agree to this. She was going to be with Kit, acting all loved up and I was expected to stay at home hoping he didn't actually fall for her in the process. The only thing that kept me sitting in my seat was the knowledge that by doing this, my baby had extra protection. As I sat there daydreaming, Tricia continued with a presentation she had to show. It wasn't directed at me, and it was a good thing because I wasn't focused on it at all. Instead, I stared at every section of the room trying to create a scene in my head where I could possibly imagine my Dad being here. I felt Kit's hand on the top of mine where I had it placed on the table and it made me look at him.

"Do you have any questions, Eve?" Tricia asked.

I looked at her as everyone brought their attention to me. I gulped, feeling the centre of attention.

"Will I have to come here for meetings regularly?"

"Not if you don't want to," she answered.

I nodded and looked away, trying to avoid the attention. I felt it diffuse as I sat there and waited for the meeting to end. I left the room by myself, meaning I didn't leave with Kit. I knew I'd need to wait for him to take me home, but at that moment I just needed space. It had been so overwhelming that I waited by the front door as Kit stood by the meeting room speaking with Charles. He was doing his best to listen but I saw him glancing over at me continuously before eventually excusing himself and walking over to me. Just before he did, Nick approached and came towards me for a hug.

"Do you forgive me?" he asked whilst my head scrunched against his chest.