He gave me a proper man hug and it made me feel safe like I was hugging my brother.

I nodded as he moved back. "I know why you lied to me."

"I did it only to protect you, Eves. You're like my little sister."

It made me smile hearing him say things like that and he brought his hand up playfully and pretended to clip my face with his knuckles.

"Go easy on my brother, okay? He's been borderline suicidal since you left."

"Thanks, bro," Kit said from behind and I turned to see him standing with his hands in his front pockets as he glanced at the pair of us.

"You're welcome," Nick grinned. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

I gave Kit a small smile as he came closer to me.

"I've gotta be back here to go over some plans, but I can take you home if you like?"

I nodded and left the building without waiting for him to follow.

* * *

"Haveyou had Delta men watching over me?" I asked randomly as we drove home.

We'd been in silence for a little while but I could see him constantly looking over at me as if I were a pot about to stew over.

"Have you noticed anyone watching you?"

I thought about it and shook my head.

"Then no," Kit smiled slightly whilst continuing to watch the road.

"I thought you agreed not to lie to me again?"

Kit looked at me and smiled, "I agreed to that?"

"It's kind of the agreement you enter into when you get with someone."

"Our relationship isn't exactly a normal one, Eves."

No shit...

"Yes, but no relationship works if it's built on lies."

He sighed. "Wouldn't you rather just not know about it, so you can go about your life as normal?"

I shook my head.

"In what madness would you think I'd not want to be told about these things? My life clearly isn't meant to be normal. I'd rather know about these guys and interact with them than have them following me around like a set of stalkers."

Kit nodded as he drove but didn't look at me.

"I can introduce you to them if you like?"

I sighed, knowing there had indeed been men following me without my knowledge. That really didn't sit well with me.

"They're only there when I'm not," he added.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically.