When he got a hold of me, I cursed him and squealed as he pulled my face into his. First, before he could kiss me, I protested and pulled my scarf up to his lips, wiping away the mud before he could kiss me. I still got covered in mud and I lavished in it as Kit's lips kissed mine.

"You twat," I said once he pulled away and I felt the familiar butterflies in my stomach as he grinned at me.

"You didn't think you'd get away with not getting a bit mud on you, did you, honestly Eves?" Jax said and I shook my head.

After the race, they trekked towards the huge banner for taking photos. They each stood together, still dripping with mud that left marks on the already dirty platform they were standing on.

Taking out my phone I took photos of them as a team, and then once the members of Delta had moved on I called back Kit and his brothers.

"I want a picture of just you five," I said.

I smiled, taking more than one photo of them as they ruffled each others hair and stood close together, grinning at me.

The further Igot along in my pregnancy, obviously the fatter I got. Although, I couldn't describe it as fat because my stomach felt rock hard. It kept on getting bigger, and when I stared at myself in the mirror, I couldn't work out how the hell I was managing to stand straight. Surely all the weight to the front would make me buckle forwards. The more I spoke about it, the wider Kit's grin would get. He'd stare at me longingly and speak to my stomach on a daily basis, just so he was positive that our little girl would know her daddy's voice above everyone else's.

I wasn't sure my hormones could get any worse, but by God did they…

By thirty-nine weeks pregnant, I was a leaking mess, not only from my eyes but my tits decided to have a go too. Safe to say my breast milk had arrived earlier, only adding to Kit's desire as he stared at my drenched t-shirt. Two perfectly circular patches almost stretching the size of my actual breasts. I felt for Kit, I really did. The more my hormones and stomach grew, the more of a bitch I became. I knew it, and yet I couldn't pipe down to save my life. The smallest little thing and I'd cry and march out of the room like a spoilt brat, determined not to let others see me a mess. Sex was off the cards, just the thought of it made my insides feel heavy.

By forty weeks, and feeling like a ticking time bomb, I wasn't sure if I was ever going to give birth.

I'd had no signs or symptoms of labour, despite the Braxton Hicks that had made themselves known much earlier on in my pregnancy.

Until one night, I stood up to take what felt like my thirtieth wee that night, Niagara falls fell from my insides like a bath plug being pulled from inside outwards. Trust me, It felt as disgusting as it sounds. From that moment on, panic set in and I stood shaking in the dark as my body began to tremble.

"Eves? What was that noise?" Kit said from where he lay still in bed.

Yes, my waters breaking had been loud enough that even Kit had heard them break.

"My waters just broke," I said quietly, still in shock.

Everything fast forwarded then once Kit shot up and turned the light on, coming to my aid to see me shaking like a leaf.

"You're in shock, everything's fine, baby."

How the hell was he so calm?

Taking my hand, Kit led me out of the pool I'd created and walked me towards the bathroom.

"Do you wanna get cleaned up quickly? We can call the midwives straight after."

Despite all the research I'd done, I'd lost all train of thought.

"Do I have time?" I asked, staring at him.

He nodded. "Yes, Sweetheart, we just need to keep an eye out for your first contraction."

Although shock had taken over me, It hadn't taken the ability to feel pure love for him. He was being so gentle and calm. The last month Kit had invested himself into researching labour and newborn babies, just so that he could be prepared. He'd been like my personal information pamphlet, and whenever he could display his level of knowledge, he did. Especially amongst his brothers who told him he'd been double whipped. Not only by me, but by his unborn baby girl, too. It made me smile every time and as I washed myself quickly in the shower, I allowed myself time to come to terms with what was happening.

I was having my baby.

It was finally happening.

* * *

"Lilly?"I breathed down the phone.

A lot of rustling could be heard.