"I'm here. Are you okay?"

"It happened, my waters broke."

Lilly went silent then and I prayed she'd speak again before another contraction hit. In the short amount of time that it had taken to get ready, my contractions had started. Getting stronger every time. Even Kit didn't understand how quickly they had advanced, despite his extensive research.

"Okay, babe. Everything is gonna be fine, I'm on my way."

"We're on the way to the hospital, I can't time my contractions but—urgh!"


I gripped onto my seatbelt and closed my eyes, trying to channel the pain to fight through it. I felt Kit taking the phone from my hand as he drove.

"Lil?" he spoke down the phone after placing it on loud speaker.

"Is she okay?" she questioned him instantly.

"She's having another contraction. Can you meet us at the hospital, we'll be there shortly."

Kit stared at me, bringing his hand across to grip mine as I opened my eyes.

"Yes, yes. I'm on my way," she said quickly after. “I’ll ring Eves Grandparents, just get her there safely.”

“Thank you. See you soon.”

Once Kit had hung up I sat in a zone of my own, contemplating what would happen once we were at the hospital.

On our way up to the floor we needed to be at in the hospital, I had to stop a few times to stop myself from yelping in pain. Each time I found a quiet place and stood alone up against a wall, mentally trying to deal with the pain. All the while, with each contraction I felt my body changing. After being met by nurses on the labour ward, I was shown to my own private room that looked beautiful. Although, I was elsewhere and couldn't give myself long enough to analyse my surroundings. Instead, I took myself over to the window and stared out at the passing people. Just living their lives as normal. Part of me hated them, because they were carrying on as normal whilst I had to endure this pain. It didn't seem fair. The longer I stood there, the more I wished this would be over quickly so everything could go back to normal. Although, my normal would never be the same again. I was having a baby, which meant my life would be forever changed. All of this was going to be worth it. At that moment another contraction started, fogging my mind.

"So, you'll be the one here when she gives birth?" I heard Kit asking the nurse.

She introduced herself as Beatrice once we'd arrived earlier. Once my contraction had passed, she came towards me, wheeling with her a baby heartbeat monitor. I knew because she held the probe in her hand, ready to place it against my stomach.

"You're doing brilliantly, Sweetheart," she said. "We're going to check the baby's heart rate every time you have a contraction, just to make sure that they're doing okay.”

I nodded and tried to stand straight as she placed the probe against my stomach.

"Everything sounds perfect," she said after a short while of hearing our baby's heartbeat echoing from the machine.

"Do you want to get changed into something more comfortable?" she asked me, and I nodded, remembering that I'd packed a loose nighty in my maternity bag.

Once I'd left, I heard Beatrice engaging in conversation with Kit. She asked what gender we were having, and I think she was trying to keep him as calm as possible. Kit had done fantastically at getting me to the hospital, and he'd kept me calm as my contractions had gotten worse. Since arriving at the hospital, and now in the nurses care, I saw him taking a step back. Although he kept his eyes firmly on me, and hadn't sat down once. As if because I was in pain, he couldn't even allow himself to sit down. Another contraction came shortly after and I had to remain still against the bathroom wall, bracing myself as I breathed myself through it.

"Eves? You okay?" Kit opened the door and came in with me, placing his hands on either side of my body. I took the opportunity to place my head against his shoulder, and he kissed my temple.

"You can do this, baby," he said into my hair.

He gave me his hands, and I squeezed them hard until the contraction passed.

"You must be getting close now, your contractions are really close together."

I nodded and left the bathroom with him, holding his hand until the nurse directed me to lay on the bed. She wanted to do another internal examination to see how many centimetres I was dilated. The last time she'd checked on my arrival, I had been six centimetres.

"You're eight centimetres now, you're doing fantastically, Eve."

Kit smiled down at me as Beatrice left me to cover myself back up. It was pretty pointless trying to cover up, I knew this lady was going to seeeverythingsoon.

I got back up, not wanting to lay dormant on the bed. Then I made my way back over to my station over by the window, and there I bent over, awaiting another contraction. Each time, they doubled in strength. We each heard the door open again and I heard Kit saying something. I didn't turn around to see who it was, in fact, at this point in time I didn't care. Then I felt a hand on my back and smelt Lilly's perfume invading my nose.