"Knocked me for shit?" He stared at me.
"Don't go pulling me up on my sayings, you fucking twat."
"I get that you're scared. I'm terrified too. I know the pressure you're under is unbelievable, but you won't let me help!"
"It'smyjob!" he said and I glared at him.
"Fine, you do your job. Come back to me when you're completely spent, Kit. When you've worn yourself down to nothing. What happened to opening up to each other? Perhaps you should pay Jerry a visit, or does his advice not mean jack-shit to you anymore either?"
I didn't allow him to answer and right on cue the security beeper sounded and Nick walked in through the front door with Eric and Jax.
"Is everything—"
"Ask him," I said before running up the stairs.
"Eves?" Jax said after me but instead of answering them I tried to conceal my tears until I was alone upstairs.
That's where I crawled into bed and sobbed.
About an hour later, I heard the door opening and like a sick sense, I knew it was Kit.
"We're going to Delta," he said from the doorway but I didn't move from where I laid in bed. I didn't want him to see me in such a state. I cried for the full hour and I felt so guilty for allowing myself to stress my body out so much, that I continued to cry until Kit came to talk to me. When he didn't bother to say or do anything more, I cried some more once he'd left until I heard the security on the door activate which told me he'd left.
"Eves, what the hell happened?"
I said thanks to Bob who had walked me up to Lilly's front door. She stood aside so I could come inside.
"We had a row," I said, sitting on the couch.
"Where are your parents?" I asked.
"Where do you think?" She sat down and crossed her legs. "They’ve been sent on another report."
I nodded, sitting in a bubble of my own thoughts.
"What happened, Eves? You both seemed so happy at the hospital."
"Everything has kinda spiralled downhill since then. I can tell it's getting on top of him. Me being pregnant, the pressure to protect us, the fact that I'm having a girl, Maddie keeps sending him naked photos and oh, I told my grandparents about Delta."
"Yep," I answered as she stared at me.
"First, he was pissed at me for telling them, then this morning I saw a text message with a pair of tits. Then I outed him, told him everything is too much for him and that he won't let me in."
"What did he say?"
"He hasn't really said anything." I tried to control my emotions.
"It's like he hates me, Lil'."
"Come on, Eves, he doesn't hate you. He's just under a lot of pressure."
I nodded, trying to believe it.
"Maybe you should stay here tonight, give you both some space apart."
Again, I nodded and thanked her.