I was absolutely gobsmacked, my legs felt weak and I had to hold down the sick rising in my throat.

Not long after, Kit returned with a parcel that had just been delivered and I stared at him.

There was always something. Always another heartbreak around the corner.

"You left your phone," I said, still in shock.

"Okay?" he asked whilst tending to his parcel.

Once it was open, he eyed me before lifting something out and handing it to me.

It was the full box set of The Lord of the Rings books and in my hand I stared at it, feeling its weight.

"Why would you buy me this?" I asked.

"Because you said you wanted to read the originals."

I didn't understand. Was this some sort of sick, twisted game?

"So what did you buy the other woman? A sexy lingerie set? Although, judging by the photos she won't be needing any!"

I was crying and I moved around the kitchen counter to walk away but he took hold of my hand.

"What?!" He stared at me. "What the fuck are you talking about, Eves? What other woman and lingerie? I don't have a clue—"

"The girl sending you fucking pictures, you moron! Although, she is obviouslynota girl…"

She was full fucking woman.

"What?" He rushed around the counter to pick up his phone.

"It's a little late now, Kit, I've already seen her. Why do you keep putting me through this? If you don't want me just—"

"Shut up, Eves," he said racing around the counter.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I said after him as he passed.

He turned around, glaring at me.

"It's fucking Maddie! She's been at it for days, everytime I block the number she finds another way. Itoldyou, she's a networker."

I stared at him, hearing his words, but most of all I saw his body language towards me.

He was harsh and so defensive towards me. Like he hated me.

"What happened to you?" I asked, this new stance had only come since finding out the baby's gender.

"What happened to me?" he questioned.

"This isn't you, you're acting like you hate me."

"I'm pissed off, Eve. You've caused a ton of problems."

"I told my grandparents the truth, Kit. Just like I told Lilly the truth—"

"Yeah, and now she needs protecting too!"

"This has nothing to do with it, and you know it. You're terrified of being a dad, just admit it. It's just hit you and the realisation that you're having an actual little girl that will need taking care of has knocked you for shit!"