Bold, adventuresome, wants-to-make-everyone-happy Aubrey. My agent’s little sister. My platonic honeymoon companion.
She shakes her head. “I want to stay. And I know what I want.”
I’m nothing but nerves crackling as I grit out two words. A rough, hard demand. “Tell us.”
That smile of hers is going to be my undoing, especially when she says, “Don’t stop.”
The last shred of my restraint snaps. I grab her hips and yank her against the outline of my stiff cock.
“Oh god,” she gasps, then grabs my T-shirt. She doesn’t let go of me as I grind against her.
“You like that, baby?” Dev whispers to her.
“I do.”
“You want to feel more of him?”
With a hot shudder, she nods. Desperately, savagely, she whispers to him, “I do.”
Dev slides his hands up and down her arms, coasting his lips along the side of her face. “Tell us what you want, sweet thing.” Dev drags a finger along the hollow of her throat, over her chest, toward those beautiful tits. “And be very specific.”
Aubrey breathes out hard. Heady too. Her lips part. I wait, a man on edge, and hold my breath.
She lifts her gaze, pins me with big brown eyes, then leans back into Dev’s touch, trusting him completely, taking all that he’ll give her while she never looks away from me.
“Fuck me here and now,” she says, and then the last word is even better. It’s my name, breathed out: “Ledger.”
Someone might hike past us. Someone might hear us. But I just can’t find it in me to care.
Not as Ledger catches his breath. Not as Dev tucks a finger under my chin and says confidently, “I’ll get her ready.”
But I’m pretty sure the water park in my panties means I’m ready. “Oh, trust me. I’m more than ready,” I say to the bearded man. Except. Wait a hot minute. They don’t think they’re double teaming me right here? I hold up a hand. “I mean, give a girl some time. I don’t have any lube. I’ve never donethat.”
Dev dips his face, laughing. But quickly, he stops chuckling, swipes a thumb over my lower lip. “We’re not fucking you together for the first time.”
First time.Does that mean I’ll get a honeymoon’s worth of dicks?
Better stop that train of thought. This might be a one-time-only thing.
Dev guides me to the front of the bench and slides his hands around me, smoothing them up under my shirt, then over my stomach. I shiver.
“I meant…I’ll get you ready as in…the right position,” he says in my ear, his voice like butter.
Oh. That makes more sense. Glad he has a sex plan. Didn’t want to have to rely on all the threesome diagrams branded in my brain. What if I remembered wrong from all that Internet research of pics of Barbies and Kens, and extra Kens? “Okay.”
“Grip the back of the bench,” Dev instructs, and I reach forward and grab the high back. He slides a hand down my shoulder blades approvingly. “He can fuck you while I play with those perfect tits that have been taunting me for the last two days.”
I gulp. Swallow. Tremble. I’m dying to ask how they know the best positions, but I want sex more than I want to talk about it.
As Ledger reaches into his pocket, he tips his chin at his friend. “Take her shorts off. Leave the panties on.”
“Marching orders. Got ’em.” From behind me, Dev unzips my shorts, slides them down my legs, then taps my ankles so I can lift my feet.