I comply. While Ledger fishes the condom from his wallet, Dev folds my shorts and neatly sets them on the wood of the bench seat.
I’m half-naked in a tiny clearing in the woods, a big boulder forming the only shield between us andanyone who might hike by and look at the lake beyond me.
A sharp panic rises in me, but arousal beats louder. I’m not an exhibitionist. At least, I don’t think I am. I’ve never been turned on by the possibility of getting caught. I’ve never even craved it. Right now though? Outdoor sex is all I want. And I want both men urgently.
I gasp, shivering as lips sweep up my legs. Dev must have kneeled behind me. He’s kissing my thighs, then he angles up my ass and presses a kiss to the wet panel of my panties, inhaling me deeply.
“You lucky fucking bastard,” Dev says to his friend as Ledger sets the condom on the bench. “You get to fuck this sweetness.”
Ledger watches with hooded eyes as Dev pulls the panel to the side of my pussy lips, exposing me. I quiver in anticipation.
“Looks like you’re the lucky one,” Ledger says to Dev, a cocky smirk on his face.
I groan when Dev flicks his tongue up my seam, licking me. “Pretty sure I’m the lucky one,” I murmur.
Dev’s kissing my pussy, and the man isn’t teasing me sensually anymore. He’s hungry, eating me like I’m his one meal at the end of a long day, and he can’t even wait long enough to remove my panties. He just keeps them tugged to the side, giving him all the room he needs. Sparks race up my thighs, straight to my core. I grow wetter. He groans again.
I grip the bench tighter while Ledger strokes my hair. “That’s right, honey. He’s gonna make sure you’regood and ready for me. I like to fuck hard. Think that’ll work for you?”
“Yeah,” I pant, nodding, unable to say more. Dev is devouring me with the loudest, greediest groans. I’m helpless to the onslaught of his attention, to the ferocious licks and relentless kisses, to the press of his hands, the scratchy feel of his beard, the wildness of his desire.
In front of me, Ledger unzips his shorts, pushes down his boxer briefs, and frees his cock.
Hello, hard-on. Nice to meet you.
Ledger’s dick is pointing at me, and my shoulders heave in excitement. He grips the base, then slides his fist down his shaft to the head, squeezing out a drop of liquid arousal.
The sound I make is downright feral. My mouth waters for him. Forthem. I stick out my tongue. Ledger swipes off the drop, presses his thumb to my top lip. Wantonly, I lick it off, my eyes on him the whole time.
“Fucking beautiful,” he praises as he strokes himself again. All at once, reality hits me. All my jokes, all my wisecracks, all my comments about a double dicking are no longer sketch comedy.
I’m both turned on and nervous. But the nerves are the kind that pop and fizz under my skin. The kind that make the hair on my arms stand on end.
Dev stops, stands, then removes my panties at last. He sets the useless scrap of lace on top of my shorts, then smacks my ass with an approving groan. “She’s yours now, man. And she’s fucking soaked,” he says to Ledger, then Dev bends, drags his beard against mycheek. “I’m gonna need more of that sweet pussy later. When I can spread you out on the bed and feast on you. I’m gonna spend a good long time eating you out till you can barely handle the number of timeswemake you come.”
I sway. From the words and thewein them. I’m so outrageously excited that they like to share.
Dev circles the bench till he’s facing me from the other side while Ledger moves behind me, grabs the condom, and covers himself. “Your ass is just…”
That’s it.
That’s all Ledger says.
He slides his big palms over my cheeks, squeezing them, kneading them and coasting down, down, down to where my ass meets my thighs. He presses his thumbs there, angles me up, spreads me open.
“What a perfect fucking pussy,” he praises. “So fucking wet.”
“Tastes so good too,” Dev says from in front of me.
I raise my face, trying to play sex choreographer, but I don’t know how this position will work for Dev. He’s taller than me by many inches. Plus, I’m sloped down, so I don’t know how he’ll play with me while Ledger fucks me.
Ledger pushes in, slow, but powerful. I shudder from the delicious intrusion.
“Oh god,” I moan as he fills me.
“That’s my girl,” Ledger praises. “Look at you. Taking me all the way.”
Ledger stretches me open till I’m full, and then I’mmoaning as Dev’s hands cover my tits. I roam my eyes over Dev.