Page 73 of The Way We Fight

I nodded, considering that Richard wasn't telling Art because he knew the truth made him look bad.

“Richard has been threatening Charleigh since the beginning of the season and my girl here is a fighter, so she snapped and let Richard know she wasn’t going to take it anymore. Who was I to stop that?”

Art’s eyes were wide with disbelief, so Charleigh and I told him the entire story, right down to when we met in New York to when we decided fighting the attraction was no longer worth it. We both told him that we knew we were done with the NFL but needed to see this through. We couldn't pass up what was most likely our only chance at being with our soulmate.

“So, this isn’t an affair? This is the real deal?” he asked us.

Charleigh smiled and nodded. “Yes sir. I’m so sorry I disappointed you and the NFL before my first season was ever complete. I know as one of the first female referees in the league, you expected more from me, but I think what really came of it was the need to educate the players, coaches, and owners on how to treat the female officials that you bring into the league going forward. Also, while I am sorry things didn't go as planned, I am not sorry for falling in love with Levi.”

Art leaned back in his seat as the look on my face told him how much I loved hearing her say she was in love with me. He looked between us and then tossed his pen onto the desk in resolve.

“There is nothing I can do about Richard. As the owner of the Jets, he gets the final say so about who he employs and who works inside his stadium. However, as the commissioner, I can make sure you both are employable by the NFL. Richard will not want to face a board of NFL owners with his head on a platter because of how he treated you, Ms. Wright. I assure you he will drop the charges and sweep this so far under the rug it will be as if it never existed.”

I started to speak but Art stopped me so he could keep going. “I know that is not what either of you wanted to hear, but remember… I work for the owners in managing the league, not the other way around. What I can do is use this as a reason to implement training for the rest of the league so that it is less likely to happen again.”

“That is completely acceptable, Mr. Mixon,” Charleigh interjected. “Thank you for that. As more women are brought into the league, it will be important that they know there are guidelines and consequences for being treated the way I have been.”

“I have already sent a team to San Francisco to interview Patty Lamb, our other female referee. I want to know if she has experienced anything similar and was just afraid to come forward.”

We nodded and looked around, ready to leave now that we knew our fate. But did we know our fate? Art had been vague and indirect.

“Okay,” he stood by way of dismissing us. “I am going to be in Las Vegas for the game next month, so I will see you both then.”

We both looked at him disbelieving, assuming he had lost his mind. “Sir, I was fired.”

“I assumed I was, too,” Charleigh added.

“Richard needs you more than you need him. He will get you back on that field or I am willing to bet the entire team protests until you return. He doesn't want them to know why you were fired, remember? It only incriminates himself if he has to explain.”

“But I’m not sure I want to work for him, knowing that I see him for who he is now.”

Art waved me off and laughed, “You want to coach your team though, so you will. Besides, you have all the power and I expect you to use it. Enjoy it. Protect it. Don’t forget that the worst Richard can do is actually fire you for being a shitty coach and that isn't the case. And in the end, if he lets you go after the season, you are no worse for wear. As for you, Ms. Wright, you've been through enough. You don't need to be punished for falling in love. All I ask is that you two continue to keep things professional and away from the field and by the end of the season, things will work themselves out.”

On that note, we stood in shock and left Art. We walked quietly across the park and back to my penthouse, still not sure how we were going forward.

As Art predicted, Richard texted me and told me to get back to work. I started to text him something about how far he could shove his phone up his ass, but before I could hit send, I had a knock on my door.

I opened up and saw Ty and Giselle asking to come in.

“Hey Coach,” Ty gave me a half hug while Giselle wrapped me into a huge hug. “Where's the ref?”

I smirked, not knowing how he knew but glad he did. “In the bedroom changing, she’ll be right out.”

“So, you coming back tomorrow?” Ty looked desperate, having just been forced to send his own brother to jail. I was his family, the team was his family, and I remembered instantly that I couldn’t leave him if I could help it.

I picked my phone up and erased the message to Richard, choosing to give him a thumbs up instead. Then I looked up to Ty and nodded. “Yep, I’ll be there.”



Idisembarked from the plane in Las Vegas, anxious to get to Levi. He flew with the team, and I flew solo, which was the way it was supposed to go.

Richard had decided to take a step back to let things cool down and allow Levi to coach the team without his interference. Chicago’s number sixty-seven was released from the team for being a shitty player, so that dish was served better than I could have planned.

The entire Jets team knew about Levi and me, but everyone kept it close to their chest. We made sure that while in the eye of the world, we were nothing more than referee and coach. But when the clock hit zero, we rushed to find privacy and make up for all the ugly things we said to each other on the field.

I had fallen more in love with Levi as the days went on. We were moving fast and hard… always fast and hard.