Page 74 of The Way We Fight

When I got to the hotel, I immediately went to the room number Levi told me was his and foregone my own room that the league was supposed to arrange for me. When Levi opened the door, I flew into his arms and wrapped my legs around him, grinding myself on him the way I loved doing.

He kissed me back, fiercely, and we almost fell onto the couch, anxious to tear each other’s clothes off. But before that happened, we heard someone clear their throat. I leaped from Levi in a hurry and he looked around the room like he had forgotten we weren't alone.

Levi’s room was huge, not just an average hotel room but a suite. Some familiar faces, and some new faces, were staring at me.

“Um,” I looked at the people staring back at me, smirks covering all their faces. “Shit.”

Cam Nichols and Tyson Black were sitting with their arms wrapped around their girlfriends, both of whom I had gotten to know well in the last few weeks. But they weren’t the only people there.

Kace Jackson was on the other side of Ali and Cam, holding Ali’s hand while Cam held the other. Then there was Giselle and Ty, tucked into each other as well. The rest of them were all new faces, but not unfamiliar.

Cam spoke up to start introductions. “Hey, LJ,” he called me LJ for line judge and it kind of stuck. “I invited my sister and her jackass boyfriend, Chase Turner. Chase, Becca, this is Charleigh, or as I like to call her, LJ.”

I nodded and Levi wrapped an arm around me to soothe my anxiety over the new people. Chase stood up and motioned to another couple sitting next to them. “Then I decided to invite my friend Ethan and his girl Madison. So Ethan, Madison, this is Charleigh.”

I nodded again, this time acknowledging the new names that Chase had introduced me to. I had seen every single one of them on TV and the sports channels. I knew exactly who they were, but it was surreal seeing them in person.

“So,” Levi kissed my head again. “This kind of turned into a party.”

I smiled, because it was the first time we had people to hang out with that knew about us and weren't worried about the dynamics of our controversial relationship.

“Ty was just telling us about his ballet performance coming up for Christmas. I got us tickets,” Levi laughed, while Ty rolled his eyes.

“We are all going,” Chase added. “I wouldn't miss Ty in a tutu to save my life.”

Everyone laughed and nodded their agreement.

“Y’all ready?” Kace stood, taking Ali with him and away from Cam.

“Let me just change,” I stopped everyone from moving. I didn't know what the plans were, but I was excited to go out. “I smell like an airplane.”

“And I need to help her,” Levi winked, chasing me to the bedroom of the suite.

“We are barging in and watching if you take too long, Coach,” Ty yelled as Levi shut the door.

“Don’t worry, little guy,” Levi yelled back. “I can get her off before halftime is over.”

He slammed the door and laughed, picking me up and throwing me onto the bed. We shed my clothes quickly, anxious to get to each other after a whole day apart.

“They better not know about halftime,” I moaned as he smiled against the bare skin of my thigh.

“They don't,” he confirmed. “But they wouldn't be shocked… or even mad about it.”

“How do you know?”

“Because every single one of those guys is in love, just like I am. They would do the same thing for their girl if she wanted them to.”

Love was a word that Levi and I started saying with more intent and meaning after our meeting with Art at the Omni. There was no theatrics involved, he just pulled me into his arms in bed that night and told me he loved me along with telling me good night.

As soon as I returned his sentiment, we were both asleep but we never stopped expressing how much we loved one another.

Levi had taken all my clothes off and worked his way up my thigh until he started lapping at the wetness between my legs. He teased, nipped, and bit me before I started coming so hard, I was sure our company heard me calling his name in the next room.

With them threatening to come in, and with plans I didn't even know we had, Levi rose up and unbuckled his pants, shoving into me hard and quick. He fucked me deep, making the moaning I had during my orgasm feel like puppy love.

Nothing was better than having him inside of me, making me feel full and leaving my body in goosebumps from head to toe. “You better come baby, or we’llbethe show tonight. They all have tickets and will walk right in here to see how I treat the ref.”

The thought of them walking in and seeing me so undone was erotic and it was just the image I needed to send me over the edge. Levi followed, emptying himself inside of me with his head tipped back and biting his lip in pleasure.

“Okay, Coach,” Cam’s voice came through the door. “We took notes, and you win. But now we gotta go if we’re gonna make the fight.”

My eyes widened and I rushed to the bathroom to clean up. Levi followed me and helped me throw new jeans on while simultaneously trying to run a brush through my hair.

“Where are we going? What fight?”

“Grishom vs. Holt,” he said with a smile. “The fight you wanted to see. Did you forget it was this weekend?”

“Yes!” I yelled, so excited that he remembered. “I love you, Levi,” I almost cried.

Before he opened the door to the room, he stopped me and tucked some hair behind my ear. “I love you too, baby. And you know I am always up for a fight with you,” he whispered and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “With you, for you, over you, and any other way you want to fight.”