Page 111 of How We Hated

“Sweetie,” Tracy says.

We both turn her way, and Natalie releases her grip from me and falls into the arms of her mother. Sounds of their tears fill the room, making my eyes well up too.

“Dalton.” Tracy reaches her arms out to me, too, and I come closer to her, embracing the two of them in a hug. “Thank you for your help.”

My eyes meet with Randy, whose expression reads nothing but hesitation. I take a deep breath and move out of their embrace and head toward him.

I reach my hand out to him. “I’m truly sorry for all the trouble my father has caused you. Not just now. But for everything.”

He stares at my hand, and then after a few seconds, he grips it firmly with a nod, not saying anything in response.

I know he’s not going to like me right away, so I take this as a win for the moment and head back to Natalie, who instantly wraps her arms back around me. Being able to be so open like this is the best feeling in the world.

We all head out of Mr. Diaz’s office and to the street, where my truck, Tracy’s car, and Thomas’s truck are.

“Where’s Thomas?” I ask.

Natalie smiles. “He went to the restroom back home, and I took off. There was no way I was sitting at home, waiting to hear what was going on.”

I laugh and grab her in a hug again. “That’s my girl.”

“I didn’t know you would be here. Mom got a call, saying to come down. We didn’t know anything else.”

“I told you I was going to make it right.”

“That you did,” Tracy says, placing her hand on my back. “Thank you for contacting Alex.”

“It was the least I could do. I’m sorry my dad got us in this mess to begin with,” I say.

“No, I’m sorry,” Randy says with a big sigh. “It wasn’t right of me to point a gun at you. It’s just?—”

I cut him off, “She’s your daughter. You don’t have to tell me how special she is. To be honest, now that I know everything that happened with my father, if I were in your shoes, I probably would have done the same thing.”

He nods his head, pursing his lips. “I’ve turned into the cliché country song about getting my gun to fight away boys from my little girl.”

We all laugh, and I smile at Natalie.

“She’s worth every cliché in the world.”

“That she is,” Randy says with a grin, then looks at me again. “That doesn’t mean I’m okay with this.” He moves his hand back and forth between the two of us.

“Randy,” Tracy admonishes with a slight slap of the back of her hand on his chest.

I hold my head high. “I don’t expect you to be right away. I’ll prove myself to you, and I know, over time, I will have your blessing to be with your daughter.”

He nods again. “Only time will tell.” He turns to Tracy. “Let’s get home.”

Tracy hugs both of us one more time, and Randycomes over to hug Natalie. When I offer my hand out to him, he gives me a firm handshake.

“Thanks again,” he says.

“Glad to help.”

They hop in Tracy’s car, and once they’re out of sight, I bring Natalie close to me.

“God, I’ve wanted to kiss you so bad.”

I pick her up in my arms and kiss her with every part of my soul, knowing she’s finally mine, in the open, for the entire world to know, and I’m never letting her go.