Dalton wanted to make a statement, so it was clear to everyone that we are, and have been, together. So this morning I’m sitting on the front porch of my house waiting for him to arrive to pick me up for school.
I hear his tires roll over the gravel entrance into our ranch and I stand up, excited to see him.
When the door to the house opens behind me, I look to see my dad standing there with my mom by his side. Knowing he’s here, not only allowing me to date Dalton, but coming outside to greet him himself fills me with so much joy I can hardly contain it.
Nothing needs to be said as to why he’s here right now, so I walk to him and hug him. “Thanks, Daddy.”
Dalton parks the truck and exits, walking up to my family with his head held high. “Morning.” He holds his hand out to my dad.
When they shake my mom wraps her arm around my back, just as proud to be seeing their interaction in front of us as I am. I know she’s always felt a layer of guilt for their feud with the Wick family so this moment is just as big for her as it is for me.
“Thanks again for last night,” Dad says.
“I wish none of it would have happened, but I’m glad we got it resolved. I love your daughter, sir,” Dalton says, then turns and gives me a smile.
“I know you do. You’re a good man, and I trust you’ll do right by her.”
“You know it.”
Dad nods his head in my direction as if he’s giving his permission for him to go greet me. A grin spreads across Dalton’s face as he heads my direction and gives me a hug with a kiss on the cheek and turns his attention to my mom. “Mrs. Spencer.” He holds out his hand to her.
“Oh please, call me Tracy and give me a hug.” She opens her arms wide to Dalton.
He smiles as they hug.
Thomas exits right then. “You know I’m still not okay with this, right?”
Dalton turns to him. “I know. You’ll come around.”
“I doubt it.” He looks at all of us then holds out his hand to Dalton. “But we can be civil at least.”
They shake. “I’ll take it.”
“That is, unless you let me drive that truck.” Thomas motions toward Dalton’s 94 Chevy.
Dalton laughs. “I’ll let you drive it. As long as you don’t dump it in the marsh like your sister did.”
“You did what?” both Mom and Dad say at the same time.
I laugh out loud and walk up to Dalton, putting my arm around his waist and tell everyone, “Long story. He deserved it though.”
Dalton leans in to kiss my cheek. “I probably did. Just don’t do it again.”
He gives his attention back to Thomas. “We’re good though, right?”
Thomas sighs. “Yeah. We’re good. Doesn’t mean I like your dad though.”
“That makes two of us,” Dalton states matter-of-factly.
It breaks my heart that he doesn’t have a relationship with his father. I can’t imagine not having parents who care about you and always standing by you.
Last night he stayed at Ben’s to avoid any interactions with his dad. His plan is to get a place of his own, but we’ll see what happens.
“I’m sorry to hear that, son,” Dad says, placing his hand on Dalton’s shoulder.