Page 9 of Fumbled Past

“You made him a sandwich and not us?” Megan whines.

“Don’t worry; I made everyone sandwiches.” I grab my bag to pull them all out and hand one to Megan and Heather. When Sam, one of the guys who plays with Aaron on the football team, holds his hand out, I shake my head. “Sorry, noteveryone.”

“I see how it is. You make one for Aaron and not me. I’m hurt.” He places his hand on his heart, faking being in pain.

“Yep, it’s good to be me. Be jealous,” Aaron says as he takes a huge bite of his food.

I hear someone else approaching and look to the side just in time for Beau to come into view. He’s walking by himself, carrying a bag over his right shoulder.

“Beau!” Sam yells as he raises his hand in the air.

Beau nods his head to him. “What’s up?”

“Glad you could make it.” Sam holds out his hand to him in greeting.

Beau slaps it. “Yeah, thanks for the invite.” He looks down at me. “Hey, Sadie.”

I cover my mouth from the bite I just took. “What’s up, Beau? Never seen you come down to the lake.”

He looks around, taking it all in. “Someone forgot to invite the new guy until now.” He slaps Sam in the stomach.

Sam holds up his hands in defeat. “My bad.” Then, he points at Aaron. “But you can blame him too. He’s got your number.”

“Yeah, but I’m only here because Sadie made me come.” He nudges me with his shoulder. “If she wasn’t here, I would be home, being lazy and doing nothing.”

“I see …” Beau says, staring at me, his tone questioning the meaning of Aaron’s statement.

Megan and Heather look at me for some kind of clarification, but I’m kind of thrown off too.

Sam hits Beau’s arm lightly. “Come get in on this game of catch with me.”

Beau nods and sets his bag down next to us and takes off, yelling, “Throw me one,” to Gabe, another guy from the football team, who’s down the shoreline with the ball.

Aaron continues to eat his sandwich while Megan and Heather glance at each other, then at Beau.

Once Aaron takes his last bite, he crumples the plastic wrap from his sandwich into a ball and throws it at me. “Thanks again for the sandwich,” he says as he stands and goes to join the rest of the guys.

I take his trash that landed on my lap and throw it in the bag next to me.

Megan and Heather are quick to scoot in close to me.

“What was that all about?” Heather asks first.

“What?” I try to act like I don’t know what they’re talking about.

“Don’t put on that act. We all saw how Beau just looked at you. He’s totally into you,” Megan says as she turns around to check him out again. “God, he’s fine.”

I feel my face go flush. Knowing they saw it, too, means it really happened. He’s been super friendly with me during Math and English, but I didn’t know what to think of it. When he walks through the halls, he seems to just keep his head up, and he almost mean-mugs everyone around him, like he has a point to prove. He’s hard to read for sure, but that … that was different.

“You guys talk, right?” Heather asks.

“Just during class. He hasn’t asked for my number or anything.”

“You know,” Megan singsongs, “he’s new here, which means he’s not afraid of your dad, like these other guys are.”

I try to hide my chuckle under my breath. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought that exact thing. He doesn’t know all the power my dad holds in this town.

Maybe he can be the one to finally step up and ask me out at least?