Page 10 of Fumbled Past

The thought puts a smile on my face.

“Oh, you do like him!” Megan cheers as she claps her hands in front of her face.

“I mean, he’s cute and all,” I try to state nonchalantly.

“Cute, my ass,” Heather says. “He’s yummy on a stick.”

I watch the way he runs after the ball that was just thrown, his strong legs showing definition with every step. As he holds out his arms to catch the ball, his biceps flexing in the tank top he’s wearing and his shoulders looking even broader than they do in class, I can’t help but agree with her.

A grin grows on my face. “He is pretty fine.”

“Hell yes, girl!”

They both celebrate as we turn to face the guys more and watch the show they’re putting on for us.

As the day goes by and the sun starts to set, I’m surprised when Beau comes and sits down next to me at a time when I’m all by myself.

With his knees up so he can place his arms on them, he nudges me slightly. “So, you just going to sit here all day?”

I adjust my sunglasses and hold my chin up to the sun with a sigh. “Yep, and enjoy every second of it. You should try it sometime. Sitting here and doing nothing is a real challenge, you know. It takes a lot to be this lazy and embrace it as much as I do.”

He laughs, and the sound of his deep tone makes me grin. “If I were sitting with you, it wouldn’t be as hard as you make it sound.”

I smile bigger and love that he doesn’t look away when my eyes meet his.

“So, what’s up with you and Aaron?” he asks, taking me by surprise a little bit. “Are you guys a thing?”

“Aaron?” I question. “No, we’re nothing. Just friends. We’ve lived next door to each other our entire lives, is all.”

He nods his head slowly. “Well, good to know. Have fun, enjoying your sunshine, Sadie.”

Just as quick as he arrived, he gets up and leaves again.

Megan and Heather sit down right after he walks away with their eyes big in question.

I shrug, knowing exactly what they want to know. “He came, he sat, he left. That fast.”

Heather turns to look at him. “Such a mystery that one is.”


Freshman Year

I open and close my eyes in absolute shock when they announce the winners for homecoming this year. Every class gets someone to represent them onstage when they choose the homecoming king and queen at the actual game, and the freshman class chose me as their homecoming princess.

To my surprise, Beau grabs me and brings me in for a hug from his seat right next to me in English.

“Congratulations!” he says as he holds me tight and everyone cheers around me.

When he lets go, I can feel myself flush more from his closeness rather than being named the winner.

I glance around at everyone still cheering and smile so big that it hurts my cheeks.

“Oh my God!” I squeal with excitement.

“Congratulations, Sadie. Well deserved,” our teacher says.

I grin her way. “Thank you.”