Page 61 of Built Of Steel

“Not a one. I loved my time with them, but it was time to move on. Leave that hectic pace for younger agents who don’t get to go home to people they love.”

Her heart swelled at that. She was so damn lucky to have found not only Joe but this family at Midnight Lake. “I’m so glad I went on that retreat in Colorado and met Tansy all those years ago.”

Joe grinned. “Me too. I don’t think my sister had any matchmaking plans, but she did a great job anyway.”

“She definitely did. I hate to think what my life would have been like if she hadn’t offered me a place here after my injury.” She’d probably be moping alone in her tiny Atlanta apartment.

“You’d have figured out something.”

His confidence in her was heart-warming but probably misplaced. “I’m not so sure, but I love that you believe it.”

He grinned at her. “Come on. I have something to show you.”

She took his hand and he hauled her up into a kiss. Before she could take it deeper, he stepped back with a laugh. “Not that. At least, not right now. We need to get somewhere with a better Wi-Fi signal than in the middle of the woods.”

Joe shook his head with another laugh. “No. I’m not telling you. It’s a surprise. One you’re going to like.”

Her voice held her pout. “I’d like it better if I knew what it was. Most surprises aren’t actually very good.”

That brought him up short. She was right. Lia’s life had been filled with not-good surprises. Never knowing where she was going to sleep at night. Being left with a broken leg in the streets. Foster home switches until she’d landed with Carlotta. And then Carlotta’s death. Then having her operating room invaded by a man with a gun. And having that incident destroy her career.

He stopped and took her hands. “I’m sorry. You’ve had a shitty history with surprises. This is a good one, I promise. We’re going to make a video call with some people who will be very happy to speak with you.”

Some of the worry lines on her face eased. He decided it would be better to prep her when his phone rang with a video call.

He angled the phone so Lia could see Lisa Rivera’s name on the phone. She visibly relaxed at the name and he smiled as he answered, holding the phone so they could both see. “Hey Lisa. Right on time, as always.”

“Hi Joe. This must be your Lia. It’s so nice to meet you face-to-face, Lia. I know we’ve spoken on the phone before, but this is better.”

His foster-mom was one of the best people Joe had ever met. She was kind and generous without being a pushover. Smart and strong and willing to help anyone and everyone.

Joe led Lia over to the steps on the deck and they sat on the top one, looking out at the lake. “Manny there too?”

“Of course, but she’s hogging the phone so you can’t see me,” Manny groused from outside the frame.

Laughing, Lisa moved the phone to show them both. For a few minutes, they all chatted and Lia relaxed against him as she was caught up in the easy banter and catching up.

Then Lisa’s eyes twinkled as she looked off screen. “Okay, okay. It’ll be your turn in a second.” Her eyes came back to Lia and she smiled softly. “I’ve got two young men you met in Atlanta here who are dying to talk with you.”

Lia gasped softly and her hand flew to grip his thigh. “Really? Sneaks and Gogo are there?”

Lisa nodded then passed over the phone, but not before Joe noticed the sparkle of tears in her eyes and Manny’s arm coming around her shoulder.

The grinning faces of the two boys filled the screen. “Hey Doc. It’s so great to see you.”

Lia swiped at her eyes. “It’s wonderful to see you, too. How are you both doing? How’s your body healing, Gogo? Are you following all of your doctor’s orders? Is everything okay?”

The younger boy’s smile beamed. “It’s awesome to finally meet you. I’m doing great. The doctors here are impressed as hell—”

“Excuse me?” Lisa’s voice came from the side.

Gogo grimaced. “Sorry, Lisa. Sorry Lia. Anyway, the doctors here are super impressed with how you fixed me up. They keep telling me how lucky I am that you were there. They say if it had been anyone else, I probably wouldn’t be able to play ball again. I might have even died.”

The boy’s eyes filled. “And Sneaks might have been in jail. I don’t know how to thank you for everything you did. You too, Joe. Because of you, we’ve got a future. Something we never thought we had.”

Joe had to take a deep breath to control his own emotions. This kid wasn’t in his first months of high school and he spoke more eloquently that many of the people Joe had worked with. He had a very bright future ahead of him.

Lia had tears pouring down her cheeks. She swiped them away again. “You’re so very welcome. I’m so glad you’re doing so well. I know it sounds weird, but I’m very happy you crashed into my OR that day, Sneaks.”