Page 62 of Built Of Steel

The old boy grinned. “Me too. If I was going to screw up big, I’m glad I ended up with you two helping me and Gogo out. If we can ever do anything for you, all you have to do is ask.”

For another twenty minutes, they chatted with the boys and the Riveras. Sneaks was almost done with his community service work, but he was going to continue to work in some of the homeless shelters in the area, teaching kids to play ball and telling them his story. And when Gogo wasn’t practicing, he was going with him.

When they hung up, Lia leaned up to kiss Joe. “That was a pretty great surprise. Thank you.”

“I’m glad you liked it. I’ll remember your aversion to surprises from now on.”

She smiled at him. “I don’t need you to do that. I’m getting used to the good kind of surprises around here. Midnight Lake is a pretty magical place.”

He traced his finger along her hairline and over to her lips. “Magical indeed.”

She smiled. “You’re a pretty special guy, Joe Cheveyo.”

That made him laugh. “I’m glad you think so and I’ll do my best to keep you thinking that.”

A whistle had him looking behind him. Flynn stood in the door to the lodge. “Chow time.”

Inside, they helped bring the food to the dining room table and everyone took their usual seats.

His sister and Sam.

Mitch and Bella.

Aisling and Graham.

Flynn and Tessa.

Josie and Nico.

Him and Lia.

With his emotions still riding high from their conversation with the Riveras and the teens, Joe found his heart was very full. He picked up his mug of cinnamon-something tea and took Lia’s hand with his other.

“We just spoke with Manny and Lisa. They send their love to everyone. Sneaks and Gogo are doing great as well. It had me thinking back to when Tansy and I ended up living with Nico and his family.”

He swallowed hard and saw his sister’s eyes swimming in tears. Sam’s arm immediately wrapped around her and she leaned into him.

“Despite the tragedy of that horrible day, we ended up in a very good place with amazing people.” His eyes drifted over his friends. “We’ve all faced our share of tragedy, but we’ve made it through. In part to the rest of the people here in this room.”

Lia squeezed his hand and he continued. “Thanks for bringing us all together, Tansy.”

She shook her head. “I didn’t do anything.”

Sam laughed and kissed her head. “Other than move here, get the property off the grid, and lure the rest of us here to where we belong? Yeah, you didn’t do a damn thing.”

The group laughed. Tansy’s face flushed but she laughed along with the rest and lifted her tea mug. “To Koko for leaving us this amazing property and giving us the chance to find our homes.”

Echoes of To Koko filled the room.

Joe lifted his mug again. “And to us. To Midnight Security and all the businesses we’ve created. I can’t wait to see what the future brings for all of us. Cheers, everyone. Cheers to Midnight Lake.”

Cheers filled the room. And his heart. It was a damn good place to be.