“I guess that depends.”
The grin he’s been sporting for the last twenty minutes fades. “On what?”
“How you do it. If I were you, I’d do it gently so Jennifer doesn't get hurt.”
He blows out a heavy sigh. “I kind of already screwed the pooch last night. Jenny came over when I thought she was at work, and I had a broad over. I did what I could so she wouldn't be too upset by it, but I could tell she was really pissed.”
No shit Sherlock.
“I can't believe she really thoughtIwould marryher. I mean, she's a good girl and all, but a guy like me? I need someone beautiful at my side. Someone who can handle ‘the life’ and bea part of it. Jenny, she's not that kind of woman. She’s more traditional.”
Fuck he has no idea what kind of woman she is. “So what are you going to do when she tells Perrelli? Or does he already know?”
“Nah, man, we're good. Jenny said I should be the one to tell him. I don't think she's all that upset now that she’s had time to think about everything. She knew we weren’t going to be a forever kind of thing. She's smart like that.”
He’s lucky we aren’t at the cabin yet. “Now that y'all aren't together anymore, I have to know. Did you really care about her, or were you just trying to get in good with the boss?” I laugh, hoping he thinks I’m on his side.
He gives me a crazy-ass look and grins. “Between you and me?”
I nod.
“Jenny was all right, but I never wanted to marry her. Hell, I never even fucked her. I told her I wanted to wait ‘til marriage or some shit, and she believed me. I felt a little bad about that one.”
I’m equally pissed and relieved. “So you never did anything with her?” I ask.
“We kissed and did a few things, but it was never anything serious.” He shrugs and is quiet as he looks out the window while we drive. “Alright, be honest with me. Is tonight the night?” He asks.
“The night for what?” I play dumb, knowing what he’s asking.
“Come on, man. You know what I’m talking about. Is Perrelli making me a part of the Family for good?”
I look at him but don’t say a word. I’ll let him think whatever he wants. The motherfucker can’t help himself. He just keeps talking, digging himself a deeper grave.
“If I’m being honest, I didn't think it would take this long for it to happen. That's why I held off on asking Jenny to marry me.I only asked her, hoping it would encourage Lorenzo to bring me in. Thank God I don’t have to go through with it now.”
“Would you have married her if she never found out you were fucking someone else?”
He shrugs. “If it came down to it.”
I don't think I've ever hated anyone more than I do, Jacob. Before, it was because Jennifer was in love with him. Now that I know he’s cheated on her and used her affection so he could gain a spot in the Family, hate isn’t a strong enough word.
I'm going to make him suffer for hours, possibly days before I finally give him what he begs for. I should make it last weeks since that’s what he deserves, but I won't. I need this to be done and over with so that Jennifer can move on with her life.
As much of an idiot as Jacob is, Jennifer is not. She knows who her dad is and knows what happens to people who betray him.
It takes almost an hour, but eventually, we make our way into the forests of South Jersey. I look at Jacob periodically to see if he’s figured out what’s going on. The moron still looks as happy as a clam, thinking Perrelli is bringing him all the way into the fold. I didn’t think he was this big of an idiot. He must think his relationship with the Boss is tighter than bark on a tree.
I pull up to the cabin, which I use whenever I need to get information out of someone refusing to talk or making someone disappear. The place is remote, miles away from anyone else. Perfect for what I’m about to do to this fucking guy. The only people who know about it are Perrelli and I.
“Ready?” I ask, looking over at Jacob.
“Born ready,” He says with less enthusiasm than he’s had previously. Is it finally starting to sink in that this might not be the night he thought he was getting?
Perrelli’s black SUV is already here, and the lights are on inside the cabin.
“Let’s go,” I say before getting out of the truck. I pull my Glock out from my shoulder holster and hold it to my side, readying for anything about to happen.
As I step around the back of my truck, I’m not expecting the sucker punch to my gut Marino levels me with. “Fuck!” I hiss, doubling over in pain.