“What’s going on?” He asks, looking cagey as fuck or maybe just wired. I can’t tell with him, he’s always felt off to me from the start. I always thought it was because of how I felt about Jennifer, but now that he’s betrayed her, I wonder if there’s something more to it.

“Get in the truck,” I tell him in an even tone, not wanting to alert him to what’s about to happen.

“Got it, can’t talk out here.” He grins, looking like a little kid who just got picked for the football team.

Jesus, is he excited? Does he think he’s being made today? That’s fucking rich!

“Where are we going? What’s the plan?” He asks once we’re in the truck and I pull out of the parking garage.

“I can't tell you until we get there. Just know it'll be good.”

I'm an evil mother fucker, but I'll use anything to my advantage. If he wants to think he’s being made today, let him. I’ll happily ruin his smile when it’s time.


“Just relax, we got a bit of a drive left ahead of us,” I say as I take the exit for the interstate.

A few minutes later he clears his throat. “Hey, can I ask you something?”

I nod.

“How come I never see you with any of the girls at the club?”

I quirk my brow at him, waiting for him to say more.

“No disrespect or anything. I just figured a guy like you… The girls are all over you, but you always push them away. What's up with that?”

I shrug.

“If that were me, I might have a taste.”

“A taste?”

“We work hard for Perrelli. It wouldn’t hurt to be thanked once in a while. Like the other guys are.”

I feel like my head's about to explode. I hate that he had Jennifer, and he's taken advantage of her for God knows how long.

“Don't get me wrong. Jenny's great, but she's not like the girls at the club, if you know what I mean.”

“I don't know what you mean,” I say in a bored tone.

“Jenny is beautiful in her own way, but she's got a little bit more meat on the bones than I'm comfortable with. The girls at the club, on the other hand, I mean, damn, they look fine as hell. Fake tits, tiny waists. That's what I’m really into. Too bad their personalities are shit. Jennifer is a sweetheart, and she's going to make a great mom and wife one day.”

Yeah, she is. But not to you. “So you're going to marry her, then fuck the girls at the club? You better not let Perrelli see that happen,” I warn.

He shrugs and is quiet for a minute. “I don't know, I think he'd be cool with it. I heard some things about him from back inthe day when he was married to Jenny's mom. People say he was crazy back then.”

I don’t know what he’s heard, but that’s not the man I know. “What have you heard?”

“He’d have these crazy parties and wind up in the middle of threesomes and foursomes with the girls from the clubs. Girls from anywhere, really. He's a God among men. Eventually I'll get him to teach me his ways,” He laughs. “So no, I don't think he'll mind.”

“Hmmm…” The way Perrelli talks about Giana, his wife, I doubt he’d do anything like that. He worshiped the ground she walked on. In all my years at his side, I’ve never seen him look at another woman, let alone be with one.

“I know, crazy right? Look, can I be honest with you about something?”

I grunt. “Have at it.”

“I'm thinking about breaking up with Jenny. We’ve run our course and I’m ready to move on to better things. How do you think the old man will take it?”