“Oh? That’s all you have to say when I tell you your fiancé has been cheating on you?” He snaps.
I chew my lip. “Well, yeah. I found out about it last night. She was at his apartment, and I walked in on them.”
“Fucking what? Last night? Why didn't you tell me as soon as it happened?” He explodes across the line.
“I don’t know! Maybe because my life just exploded, and I didn't know how to process it yet. I still don’t. I just found out the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with was cheating on me and told me we were never going to makeit anyway. Like I should have already known that. And to be perfectly honest, I didn't know what you'd say about it.”
“What the hell does that mean? What did you think I’d say?” He growls. “You should know what I’m going to do to him.”
I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I know how much you love Jacob, like the son you never had. I wasn't sure what you would do. Maybe you’d choose him–”
“Don't you dare finish that fucking thought, Jennifer Marie! I'd never choose that fucker over my own daughter. You're my Amarina, my little love. You matter more than anyone in this godforsaken world.”
My eyes fill with tears and I swipe at them as they begin to fall. My eyes hurt from all the crying I’ve been doing over the last twenty-four hours.
“You hear me Jenny girl? That little prick won't get away with what he’s done. I’m going to make him pay for hurting you.”
I know who my dad is and the things he does to those who betray him. I just never thought he would do that to Jacob.
“I thought… I thought he was more than that to you. Isn't he in ‘the family’ now?” I ask, knowing I’m not supposed to talk about these things.
Dad is quiet across the line, and I even pull the phone back to check to make sure the call is still connected. A few seconds later he clears his throat. “Jenny, we never talk business, but I'll tell you this one thing. I brought him into the fold to keep an eye on him and ensure you were safe and cared for. You loved him, and he made you happy, so I kept him around. And yeah, we got close. He said the right things and made me believe he was someone he wasn't. That's where I messed up, not you.
But hear this, no one will ever replace you or your mother and the place that you have in my heart. Especially not some fuckhead who cheated on my daughter right before their wedding. But he wasn’tin‘the Family,’ he only worked for me.”
“Okay, Daddy,” I sniffle.
“Don't think about him anymore, Amarina. Don't waste your time worrying about what he's done. We'll take care of it.” He assures me.
“Who’s we? What are you going to do?”
He’s quiet for a beat. “I'm busy tonight, are you still coming over for Friday night dinner?”
“Yes,” I say, knowing this means the conversation is over. There's nothing I can say that will change his mind. I'm shocked it's come to this, but I shouldn't be. “I'll be there. Want me to bring dessert?”
“Yes, something with chocolate. I have a sweet tooth these days.”
“Okay, Daddy. I'll see you Friday night. I love you.”
“I love you too, Jenny girl.”
When I end the call, I'm numb. It's hard to know how to feel. On one hand, a man I was with for a long time is about to die. On the other hand, he made his bed, and now he has to lie in it. He betrayed the daughter of New Jersey's crime boss. He should have known what was going to happen. I should have, too, for that matter. That makes me just as culpable.
I was naive to think I'd get a happily ever after. Not even my parents got that. My mother was murdered for being the wife of Lorenzo Perrelli.
I thought I could pretend I wasn't a part of this life. I had done a good job of it too. Maybe that's why I liked Jacob so much in the beginning because he wasn't part of it. When we met, he said he didn't know who my dad was. After learning what he's done, I have to wonder if he knew all along. Was our entire relationship a lie? Did he even love me? Is this the reason why we never had sex?
My head is spinning. He told me he didn't want to betray my dad and wanted to keep me pure until we were married. At the time, I thought it was romantic. Jesus, I've been such a fool.
No longer hungry, I put my popcorn on the kitchen counter and go to my room. My vision begins to blur, and my heart aches. It’s hard to breathe. I haven’t had a panic attack in years. I take a few deep breaths, then decide to run myself a bath. When it’s ready, I pull off my clothes and get in. Sinking into the hot water. I lie back and close my eyes, surrounded by lavender-scented bubbles. Only then does the dam break. I curl into myself, bawling for what seems like hours. I mourn the life I was supposed to have and the man who I was going to share it with.
As much as he’s hurt me, I don’t want him to die. I hate Jacob so much it hurts, but I also love him. Loved him? How do I turn it off? How do I go on with the rest of my life knowing I let my dad kill him? I’m no better than him, I’m worse. I’m a monster.
Chapter Four
“Yo, Kane,”Jacob nods at me as I enter the parking garage. Does he know I’m about to wreck his world?