I’m usually much more controlled than this, but I can’t help the hope this brings up. Jennifer has always been off-limits. Atfirst, because she was too young for me when we met, and now because she’s my boss's daughter, the man I’m closer to than my dad. At sixteen, she was an angel, now she’s so much more. The first night we met will be seared into my mind for eternity, as awful as it was.
“It’s done,”I say darkly when he answers his front door. It’s been raining all night, and it doesn’t seem to have any plans to stop.
“It’s two-thirty in the fucking morning.” He growls, opening his door for me to come in.
I wipe my boots on the mat before walking into his home.
He closes and locks the door before walking down the foyer and into an office.
“You couldn’t have called?” He asks, walking to his desk and picking up a cigar. I watch as he lights it and takes a long drag, then holds one up for me. I shake my head, I’m not a smoker.
“I figured this would be something you’d want to hear in person.” I could have called, but I’m not really a phone guy. I prefer to speak face-to-face.
He tips his head to the side in agreement and sighs, then falls into his office chair. Staring up at me is a broken man. Lorenzo Perrelli is the most powerful man in New Jersey, yet he sits here defeated. “So it’s done? What did he–”
“Daddy, what’s going on?” A beautiful girl with long dark hair asks groggily. She comes walking into the boss’ office wearing a pair of baby blue sleep shorts that barely cover her thick ass and a baggy t-shirt that does nothing to hide her full swaying tits that are free of a bra. I’m sporting a full chub by the time she crosses the room to her dad.
He wraps his arm around her back and hugs her. “Nothing, baby. Go back to sleep.”
“No, tell me what’s going on. Why is this guy here? It’s the middle of the night. Who is he?”
She looks up at me, and my heart stutters to a halt in my chest. Fuck. Her big blue eyes are surrounded by long dark lashes and her full lips, damn me to hell, but I can’t think of anything else than my dick pumping in and out of her mouth. Fuck, she’s too young.
“Nothing for you to worry about, Jenny girl. Just business. Kane, we’ll talk tomorrow.”
“You got it, Boss.” I turn and walk to the door but freeze when he clears his throat.
“Thank you.”
I turn around to acknowledge him and get another look at the principessa. Her big blue eyes are staring at me curiously. I wonder what she’d think of me if she knew I just tortured and killed a man who had information about her mother’s murder.
I’m a monster. A monster who’d do anything to keep her and her dad safe.
I pullthe Glock out of my shoulder holster and check the clip. It’s full, like I knew it would be, but I always check. I can’t be surprised by being unprepared. My training in the army taught me that. Putting it back in the holster, I pocket my phone and grab my keys. It’s going to be a long fucking night. I can’t wait.
Chapter Three
As soon asI got home from work I bit the bullet and notified our vendors and guests that the wedding was canceled. It took me over three hours to cancel just the vendors and our ceremony and reception sites. Letting all of our guests know the wedding was canceled was a lot faster. Because they had all RSVP’d online, I was able to send a mass email letting them know what was going on. Once that was finished, a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I also emailed my boss and told her I would be taking the rest of the week off. I needed a break to come to terms with everything.
Three glasses deep into a bottle of Merlot I’m ready to zone out and call it a night. I've just sat down on my couch with a bowl of popcorn, snuggled up ready to watch a new crime show on Netflix when my phone rings. My stomach drops and I'm praying it isn’t Jacob. He’s been quiet for the last several hours, thank God, but if he calls again I’m liable to block his number. I probably should have already done that by now. I swear he won't leave me alone, which makes no sense since he's the one who ended things. Horribly. He ended things as bad as could be expected. What’s worse is he’s called and texted me more in thelast twenty-four hours than he has in months. That should have been my first clue.
Picking up my phone I see that it's my dad. Did Jacob tell him already? I've been dreading this conversation, wondering what he would do now that his Golden Boy and I aren't together anymore.
“Hey Daddy,” I answer.
“Jenny girl, I have to tell you something. I'm so sorry, but I wanted you to hear it from me.”
Well, I wasn't expecting that. Maybe Jacob hasn't talked to him yet. My mind races, wondering if someone is hurt or even worse. For some reason I think of Kane and hope it isn’t him. The man has been a fixture in our lives for years. Things wouldn’t be the same without him. “What's wrong, Daddy? You're starting to scare me. Is everyone okay?”
“Shit, I hate to have to do this. I'm going to kill him.”
“Kill who? What is going on?” I ask, getting even more worried.
“It's Jacob, baby girl. Johnny saw him screwing around with some girl in the office today.”
“Oh.” I’m somewhat relieved that’s all it is. I can deal with that.