Page 85 of Inspiring Izzy

"Brianna and my dad have already started," I say to Brady as I step up onto the sidewalk.

"We better catch up then," he gives me a weary smile.

Mom leads the way as I take a deep breath behind her. Brady rubs my back as he walks beside me, comforting me.

I know Brady wants to be honest this time around, but I'm not sure I can tell Mom the truth about this weekend. I'd rather her think I'm going to a gala as Brady's assistant rather than his date.

I've never been able to understand why something that looks wrong to everyone else feels right for me.

I don't think I'll ever be able to.

Chapter 22

I push Brianna on the swing as Ava leans a hip against the metal pole and sighs dramatically.

"Something on your mind?" I ask my sister.

She twirls a strand of dark brown hair between her fingers. "I'm just trying to figure out why you're going away for the weekend with your former lover and didn't think to tell me."

I laugh. "Former lover?You're funny."

"Current lover," she flashes her eyebrows at me. "That better?"

"Does the labellovercount if there's no sex?"

"What base are you at?"

I laugh. "Are we 16 again?"

"Is there penetration?" she chuckles.

"Does his tongue count?"

"Iz!" My sister smiles. "What have the two of you been up to?"

"Just...stuff," I answer.

"Do tell," Ava smirks.

"Not in front of," I motion to Brianna.

"So, is this like an everyday kind of thing?"

"Once at the Glorious Pig on Thanksgiving, and every day after work this week in his office," I confess.

Ava lets out a surprised laugh. "You're been busy."

"Not really," I shrug. "It's mostly him."

"He's the one who...eats outevery evening?" she slyly asks.

"I have a couple of times," I admit. "But hereallyloves eating out every single day. Withenthusiasm."

"Was he like that before?" My sister scrunches her nose.

I shrug as Brianna wiggles in the swing and hollers, "Higher, Mommy!"

"He's always enjoyed it," I glance around nervously, hoping no one figures out we're talking about Brady's tongue antics. "But not like this."