Page 86 of Inspiring Izzy

"I'm jealous," Ava sighs. "Jack's more of a finger guy. I'd love his tongue every once in a while, though."

"Maybe you could suggest it," I smirk.

"Do you have to suggest it?" she snaps back.

"Woah," I hold my hands up, "that was a little aggressive."

"I'm sorry," she runs a hand over her face. "Things with Jack have been weird lately. I wish he were stillenthusiastic about eating out. I wish he was enthusiastic about anything other than the newspaper."

"Don't compare what you and Jack have to whatever it is I'm doing with Brady. It's not the same. You and Jack have been together for a long time. Brady and me, it's in that new and exciting stage."

"I just miss the passionate lovemaking, you know," she groans. "The staying up all night because you can get enough of each other sex. I miss that."

I nod my head. "I know."

"Is that how you felt about Steve? That the exciting sex was gone after you had a kid."

"Steve never got me off," I smack my lips. "I had to do it if I wanted toyou know.So, it was pretty much the same routine as it was before."

"Steve is Steve, though," she shrugs. "Like Jack, he has other desirable qualities."

"Like what?" I shake my head.

"He's fun. And he's big and warm like a teddy bear."

"I don't think you should be comparing Jack and Steve's desirable qualities," I warn. "Jack loves you, and he'd do anything for you. Steve wouldn't even work as a door greeter at Walmart to help pay rent."

"What's the point of this conversation again?" She yawns as Brianna belts out a nursery rhyme, ignoring us. "I've lost track."

"The point is that what Brady and I are doing isn't serious and long-lasting. No one eats out every day, Ava. This is just a good week for him.For us."

"Yeah," Ava rolls her eyes. "Sure, Iz."

"I didn't tell you about the gala," I change the subject, "because it's just a work thing."

"Is it?" She tilts her head to the side, studying me.

"That's what I'm telling everybody," I hitch my shoulder.

"I know it's your life," Ava clicks her tongue, "but it's OK to go to a gala with your boss and not consider it a work event."

"I could lose my job," I remind her.

"Do you really think Brady would let that happen?" Ava scoffs.

"I don't know," I answer honestly. "I haven't thought about it."

"He owns the company," she shrugs. "You won't lose your job."

"How's the children's book coming along?" I switch gears. The Brady conversation isn't getting us anywhere.

Ava blows out a tired breath. "Not well."

Ah, that's why Ava's testy today. "What's going on, Ava?"

"Jack and I are in a place we've never been before."

"What place is that?"