Page 64 of Inspiring Izzy

"Oh, no," he runs a hand through his long hair. "What now?"

"I told Brady and Iz that I'd burn the restaurant down if we ever broke up," she tells him.

Adrian shakes his head. "You are something else, Ang."

"Which is why you married me," Angie nudges him with her shoulder. "You're never bored."

"I am not," Adrian smiles.

Brady wraps his arm around me and leans in to whisper, "More like he's never sleeping without one eye open ever again."

I cover my mouth with my hand as I laugh.

"Mommy?" I hear and glance toward the door.

Standing at the front of the restaurant is Brianna. With Steve. And my parents.

My mouth drops slightly open as Brianna skips through the tables heading right toward me.

Brunch. They were supposed to go to brunch. Why did they decide to come here instead of the lodge?

Brady's hand runs over my shoulders as he pulls away from me. I quickly slip out of the booth as Brianna reaches for me.

"You said you had work," Brianna frowns as she looks around the table at Brady, Angie, and Adrian.

I clear my throat. "These are, uh, the people I work with. I stopped to grab coffee before heading to the office."

"Iz?" Steve places his hands on his hips and glares at me. "Can we speak outside?"

"I'm kind of in the middle of something," I furrow my brow.

"It'll take two seconds," Steve motions toward the exit.

Brianna's hand squeezes mine as I look over my shoulder at Brady. "I'll be right back."

I follow Steve through the restaurant, stopping only to pass Brianna off to Mom. Dad mouthsgood luckto me before I follow Steve out the door.

"You looked awfully cozy with your boss," Steve crosses his arms over his chest and narrows his eyes at me.

I don't respond. I don't owe Steve an explanation. We are divorced. I moved away from him. I don't answer to him.

"You're ignoring me now," Steve scoffs. "Great."

"I'm not ignoring you," I exhale.

"You said you had to go into work," Steve holds a hand out. "This doesn't look like work."

"You're not my husband anymore," I say. "I don't have to tell you where I am every second of every day."

"You do when I'm watching our daughter," he snaps.

I take a deep breath. "I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that."


He's looking for a fight. I'm not going to remind him of all the times I watched our daughter and paid other people to when he was perfectly capable of watching her himself.

"I need space, Steve."