Page 42 of Inspiring Izzy

"Thanks," I blow out a tired breath.

Brady's door opens as Angie slips off my desk and heads to her office on the other side of the room.

"Iz?" Brady softly calls. "I need some help."

Taking a sobering breath, I push off my desk. When I turn, Brady's standing in the doorway, his dark hair ruffled and his tie undone."

"What do you need help with?"

"My tie," Brady smacks his lips together.

I follow him into his office and close the door behind us. There's a gorgeous sunset outside his office window—burnt orange and rosy pink—but looking at Brady, the view doesn't compare.

"Come here," I whisper.

He moves slowly, shoving his hands into his pockets when he reaches me. I finger the silky tie material in my hand as I inhale his musky scent. He smells like sandalwood and pine trees.

"She's wrong, you know?" Brady says as I work quickly, crossing the two sides over each other. It's been a while since I've tied a tie, so I fumble with the second cross.

"Who is?" I sneak a glance up at him. He's staring right back at me.


"Wrong about what?" I chew on the inside of my cheek as muscle memory takes over and the tie starts coming together.

"We aren't fickle creatures," he mutters so quietly I almost don't hear him. "I knew what I wanted, but I was too afraid to go after it until it was too late."

"You overheard us?" I finish and run my hands over his chest, smoothing down the dress shirt beneath his suit jacket.

"I'm sorry," he steps closer. I take a step back, surprised to hit the door as I do. Brady's arm moves above my head and I inhale sharply. "Can we just stand here for a minute?"

The words nearly undo me as I grip his suit jacket in my hands. "Y-yeah."

I don't know what to say—or do. Brady leans his forehead against mine and I close my eyes, breathing in the moment. Breathing him in.

In the quiet space between us, I allow myself to admit what I've always known. Losing Brady was heartbreaking, and I never got over it.

I never got over him.

"Did you mean what you said?" Brady mumbles.

"About what?"

"You weren't over me when you married Steve?"

This is messy. This whole situation is incredibly messy and telling him the truth won't change anything. Still, I think he should know.

"I wasn't over you."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I open my eyes and see that his are still closed. "Because I needed something different. I needed something safe and easy. You broke my heart and I was angry."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want you to be sorry anymore," I let his jacket go and force my hands at my sides before I make a huge mistake and wrap them around his neck.

Brady pulls away and my heart pounds in protest.