Page 43 of Inspiring Izzy

"I pushed you into a marriage that was bad for you."

"I did that to myself," I place a hand on my chest.


We're interrupted by the sound of a glaring knock on his office door. I give myself a moment to breathe before I pull open the door and plaster a smile on my face.

Charlie winks at me in a skin-tight black dress. "Where's my date?"

"Right here," I step back, letting her see Brady.

Brady, however, can't hide the agony on his face as Charlie looks between us.

"Am I interrupting something?" she scoffs.

"Just a performance review," I quickly lie. "Mr. Cohen doesn't like tardiness or incompetence, so I will have to do better tomorrow."

"No," she stares right at him with a hungry look on her face. "He doesn't tolerate incompetence inanyarea of his life."

"Well," I clasp my hands together, "I will let you get to your dinner."

I hurry out of Brady's office and gather my things. I need to get out of here.Now.

I make the mistake of looking over my shoulder as I step onto the elevator. Charlie's rising onto her tippy toes to kiss Brady and my eyes fill with tears.

I lost him a long time ago, but it feels like I'm losing him all over again.

And I can't figure out why.

Chapter 12

Brady's late today.

I try to ignore the pang in my chest every time I breathe in and out, but it's loud and obnoxious.

I'm sure his date with Charlie went great last night. I'm sure the competent sex afterward was a blast. I'm sure waking up to Charlie's perfect hair and her perfect nails and her perfect body was the highlight of his fucking year.

I don't even know why I care.

Maybe because every time I was with Brady, it had to be kept a secret. We had to hide on back roads and in dark rooms and shadows.

There were no dinner reservations or unguarded moments. I was never allowed to be out in the open with him.

I am big enough of a person to admit that I'm jealous. Jealous that he so freely gives to other women what I begged him for.For years.

I'm done waiting around for him to show. He's already missed two meetings this morning, and I had to cancel them for him. If he wants them rescheduled, he can do it.

I grab my laptop and head toward the elevator. I need a latte and a sugar cookie.

"Izzy!" Angie's voice trills out of her open office door.

Mentally, I groan.

I pop my head into her office. "Yeah?"

"I'm putting together a family and friend's hike the Wednesday before Thanksgiving," Angie smiles wide. "We do itevery year. Brady thinks it helps with morale. I think people are just happy to have Thursday and Friday off."

"He closes the ski resort for Thanksgiving?" I scrunch my face.