Page 36 of Inspiring Izzy

There is a terrible accident on Main Street and I'm stuck in traffic. I think I'm going to be late.

I'm definitely going to be late. Four cars were involved.

They aren't redirecting traffic and they have all side roads closed. We are sitting ducks.

I am officially 10 minutes late.

We are still at a standstill. I can't go forward and I can't go backwards.

They're cleaning up the glass and car parts out of the road now.

I moved two car lengths in three minutes!

Brady, please respond to me.

I'm late. Really, really late. I'm sorry. I don't know why you're not replying to me, but you can check the town's Facebook page. They have pictures and videos from the accident. You can see my car sitting in front of the coffee shop. Proof that I am not lying, not trying to get out of work, and most definitely not avoiding you for giving diamond earrings to your stylist to give to me instead of just giving them to me yourself.

Am I going to get fired over this?


We're all moving now. See you soon.

"Hmm," Brady hums. "That's between me and my employee, Charlie. Now, back to your proposal."


Charlotte is Charlie.

Charlie is a woman.

She's also the reason I'm wearing a grey pencil skirt, a white blouse, Christian Louboutin shoes, and Tiffany earrings.Great.

Charlie/Charlotte launches into her spiel. Something about integrating real-time analytics for her fashion blog and turning clicks into sales.

I make small notes, trying to keep up. But I'm bored. I don't understand why a tech company that specializes in app development would be interested in Charlie's sales.

"You get all that?" Brady asks me.

"Yep," I lie. I got half of it. Maybe.

"Great," Brady grins.

"I have a question," Angie interrupts.

Charlie scoffs. "Here we go."

Angie shakes her dark head. "What are you hoping to achieve here, Charlotte?"

"I've been telling Brady for years that he needs to expand," Charlie replies. "Get into the analytics space."

"We have expanded," Angie coldly responds. "If you want your blog to perform better, go talk to Google or attend a blogging seminar. Better yet, find a marketing company. That's not something we can help you with."

I mentally high-five Angie across the table.

"There's a market you're missing out on," Charlie flashes her eyebrows at Brady. "You could make millions helping people like me keep track of how well an ad performs in real-time or how many people purchase an item while a campaign is running."

Angie rolls her eyes, and I stifle a laugh.