Page 35 of Inspiring Izzy

"Yeah, of course," he beams. "Love you, Iz."

"Uh-huh," I choke out before I hang up.

My fingers grip the counter as I take slow, sobering breaths. I have too much going on today. I'll deal with this after work with a glass of wine and a chocolate chip cookie.

"Brianna!" I holler. "Mommy needs a hug goodbye."

She bolts into the kitchen, her blond hair chasing after her. When she falls into my open arms, I let out the breath I was holding.

I can't keep Steve from his daughter. I can't keep Brianna from Steve.

If he wants to move here, then I guess I'll find a way to live peaceably near him again.

I'm late. So late.

A four-car pile-up on Main Street turned my ten-minute commute into a 45-minute one. I texted Brady a dozen times to let him know, but he hasn't read or responded to my messages yet.

I know this is an important day for him, and I don't want to be the reason he looks unprofessional or irresponsible in front of his business associate, Charlie.

At least I'm wearing clothes that fit.

Once I'm parked, I hop out of my car and run across the parking lot, cursing Geneva for thinkingnewhigh heels were a good idea. They haven't been broken in yet, and my ankles scream in protest as the sharp tops cut into them.

I push the elevator button a dozen times, begging it to move at a normal speed for once. It doesn't. No surprise.

When I finally make it to the fourth floor, I give myself a second to catch my breath before tossing my purse and jacket onto my chair, grabbing the notepad off my desk, and slipping quietly into the conference room.

Seven pairs of eyes land on me as the door loudlycreaksshut behind me.

I wave awkwardly as my high heelsclackloudly along the wood floor. When I reach Brady's side, I mouthI'm so sorryto him.

Then, as if I haven't embarrassed myself enough, the notepad slips from my hands and hits the wall, letting out a resoundingwhack.

As I kneel to pick it up, Brady rolls his chair back.

"You alright?" he whispers.

I nervously tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and watch as his eyes slide to the diamond earring in my earlobe. His lips part and his eyes soften and he inhales sharply. I look away and reach for my notebook, my heart doing backflips in my chest.

"I'm so sorry, everyone," Brady clears his throat while I take a seat at the table to his right. "Where were we?"

"You're not going to introduce us to your assistant?" A woman's voice echoes through the room.

My cheeks heat as I lift my head. Staring at me from across the table is a redhead with sharp green eyes.

"I'm Izzy," I force myself to say. "I'm terribly sorry for the interruption."

"You're thirty minutes late," the woman replies as she tilts her head to the side, her white pantsuit the brightest thing in the room. "I didn't realize tardiness was an acceptable practice at Cohen Tech, Brady."

Oh, shit. I'm ruining this for him.

"That's enough, Charlotte," Brady clicks his tongue. "Let's get back to your proposal."

"No," Charlotte smiles. "I'm interested to know why your assistant is late today. Aren't you?"

Brady picks up his phone and checks the time. I watch out of the corner of my eye as he clicks on the text message notification box on his screen. They're all from me.