Page 96 of Inspiring Izzy

Brady rubs my back. "We'll take things slow and give her time to adjust."

"There's just so much adjusting for her," I search his eyes, hoping to find all the answers there.

"We'll take care of her," he promises me. "And she'll have Steve close by."

"My mom is going to kill me," I drop my forehead to his chest.

"We can wait, Iz," he reminds me.

"No," I gaze up at him. "I've done a lot of waiting in my life. When it comes to you, I don't want to do it anymore."

I want to kiss him, but I know we're surrounded by a million curious eyes. "When can we—"

"Now," he answers before I have a chance to finish my question.

Then, he's grabbing my hand and we're hurrying through the crowd.

Once we're hidden inside the elevator, Brady's lips find mine and he kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pushes me up against the shiny wall. His tongue plunges inside my mouth and I gasp as he swallows me whole. It's passionate and warm and real.

We break contact to exit the elevator and hurry to our suite.

Brady slams the door behind us as I turn and hold my hair out of the way. "Unzip me."

He takes his time with the zipper. Minutes—excruciating minutes—pass as I wait for him to finish. When he's finally done, he pulls the sleeves off my shoulders and I feel the material fall to the ground.

Brady's fingers find the clasps on my bra and he quickly undoes them. I quickly toss the black bra to the floor and step out of the hunter-green material at my feet.

"No," Brady's teeth sink into his lip. "Leave the high heels on."

I smile wide. "OK.

He walks me back to the dresser and lifts me on top of it.

As his thumbs hook around my black underwear, I lift my ass off the wood. Brady removes the flimsy lace, and then quickly sheds his tux.

I pump his hard cock in my hand and listen to him moan. "You like that?"

Brady chuckles gruffly. "I do."

"Come here," I say to him.

He kisses me gently as he pushes into me. I spread my legs wider, taking him deeper.

"I can't believe you're mine again," he coos as my palms find the wood behind me and I lean back to get a better view of his cock thrusting in and out of me.

"I've always been yours," I say.

We both watch as his dick slides out, then back in. It's erotic and exciting as my feet dangle off the dresser, my high heels hitting the drawers every time he thrusts into me.

"Say it again," he pants as his hands wrap around my knees.

"I've always been yours," I tell him again.

In one swift motion, he lifts me off the dresser, still deep inside me, and walks me over to the bed.

"Get on your hands and knees," he instructs as he slides out of me and sets me on the bed.

I perch on the edge as he comes up behind me and pushes back into me. My arms shake as he grips my hips in his hands and drives into me.