Page 4 of Devil's Betrayal

“Cami, we both know you don’t hate me because I hurt Gideon. You hate me because of how I make your body feel and how it’s becoming harder for you to fight your feelings for me. All you have to do is relent and I’ll fuck you the way your pussy is begging me to.”

Swallowing hard, her eyes dart back and forth wanting to deny what I’ve said but knowing to do so would add another lie to this losing battle. She is fighting hard to pretend that I mean nothing to her but I can tell that she’s exhausted, warring with herself over her true feelings. Any other time, I would leave her standing here but after hearing her desperation for answers it’s time to tell her the truth. Before I can do that, I need her to give up a little of her control. She has to be open to hear me past her hurt. It’s time that I say the things I’ve been wanting to say to her so that she can see that I’m desperate too.

“I will always be in your life, Cami. There will be days when you long for me to be in your presence and others when I make you so angry that you can’t stand the sight of me. Can’t you feel how much I want you?”

“But I don’t want you, Micah,” she counters softly, almost inaudibly but it’s not very convincing.

“If that’s what you need to tell yourself to calm that ache between your thighs, go right ahead but don’t ever lie to me when we both know you’ve craved my cock since you first let me in all those years ago.”

The fight leaves her body as she slumps against the car no longer able to hold up her defenses.

“Let me in, Cami,” I beg with urgency, kissing the side of her mouth. If she denies me, I’m going to lose my shit at the same time I won’t do this unless she wants me to and I desperately need her to want me to. Hovering my lips over hers, I hesitate giving her a chance to grant me permission, giving her a chance to say yes to us. My body feels like a rubber band that’s been pulled beyond its stretching point and it’s about to snap.

Her soft whimpers and the slight nod of her head is all I need to hold her to me and do what I’ve been longing to do for over thirty years. The last time I kissed her it was to say goodbye so I take my time savoring her taste. Always so sweet with full lips that devoured my cock like it was her last meal. I’ve had sex with a lot of women but none compared to Cami. She was the dutiful daughter that made her parents proud but in my bed she was my good girl willing to do any and everything I wanted. She gave herself to me completely and it’s the very reason she runs from me. Had I known that I would turn into the heartless fucker that I am, I would’ve begged her to stay so that the good in me could surface from time to time but what could I offer her? Camille’s family hated everything about me and they made sure they sent her far away the first chance they could. Unbeknownst to me, Franklin applied to the same schools that Camille applied to. He was smart, wealthy, and had all the qualities that her parents were looking for in a man for their daughter. One thing Camille doesn’t know is that Franklin has always wanted her and I hated him for that.

He let me know more often than not that I wasn’t good enough for her and that she would be his one day. He was an asshole that way and it didn’t matter that we were so-called friends, he wanted her on his arm and I couldn’t blame him. She’s a beautiful, captivating woman that lights up every roomshe walks into. Although I knew in my heart that she wouldn’t be mine, it never stopped Camille and I from being together and every chance I got, I showed him she was mine. We spent every waking moment making sure that we would never forget one another. I guess over time, he wore her down and she gravitated toward him because he was someone familiar in a place that was far from home. I’m sure she loved him in some capacity but never the way she felt and still feels about me.

I’ve never stopped wanting her after all of these years. Franklin nor I were ever worthy of her but in my defense she knew who I was from the beginning. He deceived her and broke her heart. Leaving here without answering her unending questions. Anything she wants to know, I will answer and lay my soul bare if she would have me.

“We can’t do this, Micah,” she whispers against my lips before breaking the kiss.

“Why not, Cami?”

“Gideon will never accept us being together and I’m afraid after all that’s happened, I’ll lose him too.”

“What about your happiness?” I question. “Don’t you deserve to be happy after what Franklin put you through?”

“Please don’t pursue this,” she pleads, her tone filled with anguish. “Do you understand the consequences if I give into you? You won’t lose anything but I stand to lose everything! Can you understand that?”

“Yes, I understand but how do you expect me to keep my distance when there’s nothing preventing us from being together? You want this just as much as I do and don’t you dare deny it,” I assert, drawing her close to me. If she believes I’m walking away from us again, she better fucking think again. I lost her once and made the mistake of not going after her. I won’t do that again.

“Micah, please,” she cries as her body slumps in defeat and her fists lightly pound my chest. “I need you to stay away from me for both of our sakes. It’s too much of a risk, and for once in our lives, we have peace. Just walk away,” she pleads as she turns and opens her door moving me out of the way in the process. There’s regret in her stare as she takes one last look at me, gets in her car, and drives away.

Once again, circumstances are keeping us apart. Life has never been fair to me but the thing is, no matter what challenges I face, I’ve never been one to back down from them. Gideon is a grown ass man and I will not let him get in the way of my happiness.



Pulling away from the curb, I drive away slowly so I can stare in my rearview mirror at the one man who has the power to break me. He’s just as handsome as the day our paths crossed many years ago. Being my total opposite is what attracted me to him the most. His chiseled jawline and soft beard always made my heart skip a beat but what captivated me the most was his eyes. They’re a combination of silver and blue which set me on fire every time he looked my way. He would always force me to stare into his eyes every time he fucked me so I could see the effect I had on him. Micah commanded my body in a way that ruined me for any other man. Franklin had never seen that side of me. The side that could easily take him to the back of my throat because I lacked a gag reflex or ride him in reverse spreading my ass cheeks so he could watch my pussy slam down on his cock. The thought of those times with Micah has me squeezing my thighs together to quell some of the ache there.

I never should’ve given into that kiss, but in that brief moment, I abandoned logic for passion. It’s been so long since I’ve been touched by a man that I was easy prey for him. Feeling his body against mine felt like a decadent sin that I had no business engaging in. Why? Because Micah holds the key to my heart… he always has. He has the power to ruin me and tear down the protective wall I’ve built over the years. My parents were more than excited when I went away to college and left him behind. They didn’t understand our connection and I didn’t expect them to. That never stopped me from being with him every chance I could get.

He made me feel things I’ve never felt and the more time I spent with him the more I knew who I truly was as a young woman. Micah never expected me to defy my parents. In fact, he encouraged me to listen to them and would sometimes suggest that maybe we shouldn’t be together. In the end, what we felt was too strong to ignore. Ironically, when it came time for me to leave, neither one of us fought to keep the other. My future was already determined and he couldn’t fathom leaving Iron Forge, so there was nothing left to fight for.

When we kissed each other goodbye, I thought that we could keep in touch through phone calls and letters but he never picked up when I called. Letters went unanswered and when I came home on my breaks he was always with another woman. My heart broke a little more every time I saw him. He made sure that I knew he had someone else. It was his way of protecting himself and keeping his emotions in check. The thing is, he was always lurking around wherever I hung out. Sometimes so close that I could see regret and sadness in his expressions. It was a confusing time and this toxic push and pull weighed on me. Franklin was familiar and when I found out he was going to the same college as I was, I clung to him as if he were my lifeline. He was very attentive, letting me cry on his shoulder during thetimes I missed Micah and listening when I needed to talk or vent.

Eventually, it grew into something more and to my parent’s delight we decided to build a life together. He was the total opposite of Micah and although it was a difficult adjustment we found our footing. As far as life goals, we were in sync but we were polar opposites when it came to sex. When we first got married, I wanted to spice things up in the bedroom and so one night I put on my sexiest lingerie, lit some candles, and went down on my knees when he walked through the door. To my utter shock he yanked me up from the floor and said that he would not have his wife degrading herself in front of him. I felt humiliated, embarrassed, and from then on, we only had sex when he wanted to and it was always vanilla.

When I think back to the time we were in college, we hardly ever had sex and it was always rushed with no intimacy. I figured that would change after we made our vows to one another but it only got worse. Over the years I just learned to live with it the reason being, he gave me everything else I wanted including stability. The one thing missing in our lives was a child. We tried unsuccessfully for a few years to conceive but it just didn’t happen for us so when Jake came to us and asked if we were willing to adopt his baby, we were both overjoyed. He said that he and his girlfriend chose us because, in his words, “we had our shit together.” They were not prepared or ready to be parents and he knew we would allow him to be a part of Gideon’s life. A month before Gideon was born, we moved back to Iron Forge and it was perfect timing because Franklin’s father was retiring. While Franklin took over the Bardot Whiskey Distillery, I became a full-time mother.

When Gideon was just three years old, I found out I was pregnant and nine months later, Gabriel was born. We built our own little happily ever after and I never imagined that Franklinwould be the one to destroy it all. My sons helped me move forward with Gideon coordinating the sale of our house and having a new home built for me on the outskirts of Iron Forge. That way if I needed to go into town, I wouldn’t have to drive past our old property. The distillery had a board of directors and with today’s technology, Gabriel was able to take over his role as CEO remotely. Things have settled down and I’m finally enjoying my life. My grandchildren keep me busy and I love spending time with my best friend, Eleanna.

Eleanna is Gideon’s mother in-law and when she moved to Iron Forge to be closer to her daughter, Alise, we became fast friends. Both of us having husbands who weren’t the men we married spurred countless conversations over wine. She helped me through some of my worst days after Franklin killed himself. The nightmares lasted several years and Eleanna gave me her shoulder to cry and lean on. I’m on my way now to meet her for lunch at MoMa’s, which is great because I need her to help me process what just happened between me and Micah. Why I allowed it to happen is the question. Once Gideon forgave me for not telling him about Jake being his biological father, I vowed to myself to stay away from Micah. I knew that they were on good terms with the Rebels but it’s not enough for me to risk my relationship with my son. I’ve been good at avoiding direct contact with him up until now. There were times that I would see Micah riding through town and it took the strength of Hercules not to give into the pull of our connection.

He has respectfully kept his distance for the most part but that doesn’t stop him from staring at me with so much lust that my body shivers. I knew that he wanted me because I wanted him too. If I had the smallest inkling that he was going to approach me, I would find a way to escape. What happened at the graveyard is exactly why. There’s no resisting him. What we shared was pure sin and my skin is still heated from the briefkiss that we shared. Smelling him, tasting him, brought back so many emotions that I just want to run and hide away so he can’t find me. As much as I begged him to let me go, I equally wanted him to pull me closer. Seeing him tend to Jake’s grave softened my heart toward him and made it that much harder to resist him. Do I deserve happiness? After what Franklin put me through, yes. Is it worth the risk of losing my son forever? No.

Pulling into the parking lot at MoMa’s, I see Lena’s car and know that she’s gotten us a table. Walking in, I spot her immediately and head her way. She gives me a much-needed hug before we both take our seats in the booth.