Page 5 of Rebel Vengeance

It’s a perfect day for a cookout. Ephraim and I are leaving in a few days for our honeymoon and I’m so excited. He’s taking me to St. Lucia in the Caribbean and I can’t wait to spend some much-needed alone time with my husband. We decided to postpone our honeymoon for a few days so that Harper could spend more time with my family. It’s been a challenging time having them here. My father has more than once expressed his displeasure in my choice to marry Ephraim. Being a senator who is now running for president, he’s worried about how being associated with an MC will affect his campaign. Those conversations were not pleasant to say the least, but he has to understand that this is my life and I’m no longer the dutiful fifteen-year-old that hung on his every word.

Eagle and Angel are hosting a cookout at the Rebel’s compound and we’re hoping that once my father sees how much of a family we truly are, he will relent and let this go. With Harper and Saint settled in the back seat, we head over to the hotel where my parents are staying. We wanted them to follow us because it’s a little tricky getting to the compound. Some of the roads are hidden and you can easily get lost. Harper is all smiles when she sees her grandparents. She has really taken to them. She loves that she has two sets of grandparents who love her unconditionally and they’ve spoiled her so much with toys that we had to build some shelves in the garage to accommodate the overflow.

Arriving at the compound, it looks like the party is in full swing. The smell of barbecue hits me and my stomach growls. As we make our way toward everyone, I notice that several tables have finger foods and I don’t waste any time piling a couple of deviled eggs onto a small plate. Harper runs off as soon as she spots JJ and my gorgeous hubby is headed toward Eagle, who’s manning the grill. I’m just about to stuff my face when my father asks,

“Lizzie, may I speak to you for a moment?”

“Sure dad, just give me a sec.”

Taking a few quick bites, I sit my plate down and follow my father as he heads towards the side of the house. Locking eyes with Ephraim, I let him know without words that I’ll be right back. I can’t help but notice the intensity of his stare. We agreed to no sex until the honeymoon and we’ve both been on edge. He’s looking at me as if he wants to feast on me and the man has no shame. Putting an extra sway in my step, I catch up to my father, knowing that my husband is ogling my ass. Once we reach the front of the house, my father turns to me and what he asks has me dumbfounded.

“Lizzie, how long are you going to play this game?”

“What game is that?” I ask, confused at his question.

“This game of being some biker chick and believing this is where you belong. For God’s sake Lizzie, did you have to go and marry this guy?”

Doing my best to reign in the anger beginning to boil in my veins, I reply,

“That guy saved my life and loves me despite my past, so I’m only going to say this one time, dad. Tread lightly when you talk about my husband. I will not hesitate to choose him and our daughter over you if you force me.”

“I’m only wanting what’s best for you Lizzie. Can’t you see that? You’re asking for a lifetime of always looking over your shoulder and for your child to be in danger.”

“Are you sure this has nothing to do with you running for president? Long lost daughter of Senator Hart reunited with her family and ready to help her father take the White House?

“Lizzie, it’s not like that and that’s not fair for you to say. I’m just worried about something happening to you again. This isn’t your life and it’s certainly no place to raise my granddaughter.”

“This is the life that I made for myself after I was taken. You never want to talk about what happened to me, but this time you will listen. I was tortured, beaten, and raped for seven years before I escaped. You didn’t save me, I saved myself. I’m not that girl anymore. If you can’t see how something like that could change a person, then I don’t know what else to tell you. You either accept me for the woman I am now or you will not be a part of my life.”

“Lizzie you don’t mean that. Honey, I know you went through a lot. Your mother and I moved mountains to try and find you. We never stopped looking and..”

“It certainly didn’t stop you from pursuing your political career and don’t tell me what I don’t mean. You don’t know me!” I sneer, interrupting his bullshit. I don’t think I can stand here any longer listening to my father without disrespecting him. My body is on fire with rage flowing through my veins. I’m visibly shaking, no longer able to control my emotions. Clenching my fists, I revel in the pain of my nails digging into my palms. It quells some of the anger as I stare daggers at my father and his audacity.

“Your mother and I love you very much and only want what’s best for you and Harper.”

“What’s best for Lizzie and Harper is to be here with me,” my husband states as he rounds the corner.

Standing behind me, Ephraim’s large arms encircle me protectively and I instantly feel calm as my body relaxes into him. This man is everything I need in my life. My parents cannot begin to understand who I am now. My mother is more understanding of how I’m not the same and as much as it hurts to hear, she at least wants to know about what happened to me.

“Ephraim, can you please give us a moment? This conversation is private.”

My father doesn’t realize the line he just crossed. Before I can react, Ephraim pushes me behind him and invades my father’s personal space.

“Out of respect for Lizzie’s mother, I won’t drop you where you stand for suggesting that my wife and daughter are better off with you but hear me real good old man. Lizzie and Harper are mine! You are here because I allowed you to be here and if you think for one minute that you can take my family away without a fight, you are sadly mistaken. Now, I suggest you join your wife over by the swings playing with your granddaughter and I’ll pretend this conversation never happened. Push me and I’ll make sure you never see them again.”

“You can’t do that!” My father shouts as his face turns red with anger. My father is not a small guy. He’s a little over six feet tall and he goes to the gym from what I can remember. However, Ephraim is six foot four and built like a mac truck so if my father thinks he can intimidate him at all, he’s terribly mistaken.

“Try me and you’ll see exactly what I’m capable of,” Ephraim says through gritted teeth.

The look in Ephraim’s eyes must’ve shown my father that he is not going to win here. With a heavy sigh, he says,

“I only want what’s best for Lizzie after what she’s been through. Any father would want to protect their daughter after something like that.”

“Yeah, well she has me to protect her now and she doesn’t need you coming here, pressuring her to leave the life that she’s built for herself. You have no idea how hard she fought to get to where she is mentally, so don’t think you can come here with your savior complex and take all that away. Lizzie has made her life here with me on her own accord and you should be proud of the woman she is. How many women do you know have survived being sex trafficked? I’m guessing, none. I’m only going to offer this one more time. Go play with your granddaughter and forget this crusade of yours or risk never seeing them both again.”

After staring my husband down for what seems like minutes, my father walks off without another word. Shaking his head as if he were being perfectly reasonable with his request. Is this an ideal life to raise a child in? Probably not, but Harper has two loving parents that will protect her at any and all cost. Once again, Ephraim’s arms encircle me and I instantly relax. Drawing me in closer he asks,

“Are you okay, baby? I heard enough of what your father said to know that he upset you.”