Page 6 of Rebel Vengeance

“No, I’m not okay. What bothers me the most is that I’m not entirely sure of his intentions. I want to believe that he has genuine concern for our safety but at the same time, it feels a little off that he’s expressing this right after he announced that he’s running for President. That can’t be a coincidence.”

“Did you ask him if that was his motive?”

“When I brought it up, he didn’t really answer me. He only said it’s not like that, but honestly, I’m not sure if I believe him.”

“If he’s truly worried about your safety, he should sit us both down and talk to us. Instead he chose to blindside you after we got married. The timing is suspect, but as a father, I understand his concerns.”

Thrown off by his last words, I move out of his embrace and inquire,

“So, you agree with him?”

“Hey, calm down, little flame. I’m not saying I agree with him, but as a father, I understand where he’s coming from. What I didn’t appreciate was him acting as if I can’t protect you and Harper. He was out of line to not include me in this conversation. He gave you to me only to pull you aside and say that off-the-wall shit. That’s not cool,” he explains as he draws me back into his arms.

“No, it wasn’t cool at all and I told him if he forced me to choose, I would choose you.”

Gripping my ass, he replies,

“Is that right?”

“Hmm-mm,” I reply as I go up on my tip toes for a kiss.

I gasp as he picks me up without warning and kisses me so deeply that I moan in pleasure. Did I mention how I can’t wait until we’re on our honeymoon? This man owns me in every way and if my father thinks he can convince me to leave this life, he is in for a rude awakening.



The rumble of a motorcycle catches my attention and I’m surprised when I see Micah pulling up to the gate. Eagle must’ve been alerted on his phone because he comes from the back along with Digg and Krack. Giving Lizzie one last kiss, I tell her to go on around back and make sure no one comes to the front of the compound. I’m not sure what he wants but for him to show up here out of nowhere means that there’s trouble.

“What do you think he wants?” I ask as I join the guys.

“I’m not sure, but it must be some shit if he’s showing up here unannounced like this,” Eagle replies with irritation.

Micah takes one look at us and knows that he better tell us what he wants quickly or risk another session in the underground. The last time he was here, I tortured him for information on the whereabouts of Angel and Lizzie. The Devils kidnapped them because Angel overheard a couple of them discussing the fire that destroyed MoMa’s over five years ago. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to use my torture chamber and my hands are itching to use it again. After a nod from Eagle, Nitro, one of our newest prospects opens the gates and Micah pulls in. Cutting his engine he says,

“Hey Eagle, I know I’m the last person you want to see, but I need to talk to you about something that may or may not cause trouble for the Rebels.”

“We’re in the middle of a cookout for our families, can this wait?” Eagle asks, as we form a wall around Micah.

“I’m not here to cause trouble, I just thought you should know that Zeke has gone rogue and he’s been in touch with some people who run in the same circles as that Vincent guy that Lizzie killed.”

This gets my attention and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge as I wait for Micah to say more. Shaking his head and breathing out a heavy sigh, Eagle tells Nitro to store Micah’s bike and we all go inside to have an impromptu church meeting. Digg puts out a call for the rest of the Rebels to join us inside. Shooting a quick text to Lizzie, I let her know that Micah is here and needs to talk to us. Of course, she wants to know what’s going on. My woman has a habit of wanting to be in the loop even when it comes to club business. We all try to keep our women somewhat sheltered from what goes on, but for their safety we tell them only what they need to know to keep their questions to a minimum. This situation is no different. I don’t want to give her anything to worry about until there is something to worry about.

When Zeke injured Lizzie so badly that she was hospitalized for a couple weeks, I lost my shit. Knowing he’s gone rogue doesn’t sit well with me and I need to know what the hell he’s up to. I will end that fucker if he comes near my family, but I don’t want to jump ahead of myself so I keep my cool until we hear everything that Micah has to say. It doesn’t help that in three weeks, I have a run to Sturgis, SD and although I know Lizzie and Harper are safe at our property, she may freak out since we have Harper now.

Closing the door, we take our seats around the table and Eagle tells the rest of the guys why Micah is here. None of them look like they want to hear anything that he has to say, so whatever he tells us better be enough to put us on alert. This is unofficial business so there is no call to order, we just sit and stare at Micah who surprisingly looks a little intimidated. Things have been quiet in the last few years, but during the time when Angel and Lizzie were taken, the blood between the Rebels and Devils was at an all-time high. If that wasn’t enough, Zeke and Ezra, Micah’s son, and VP of the Devils, decided to take the women that work at the Boobie Trap and sell them for profit.

The sex trafficking game was getting out of hand and the Rebels put a stop to that shit here in Iron Forge. Ironically, the guy they were selling to was the same guy that took Lizzie when she was fifteen. He was a sick son of a bitch and after digging into his finances, he had acquired millions from sex and drug trafficking. Vincent Black was a master in that game, but when he decided to deal with the Devils, it cost him his life. One night Zeke decided to get revenge against the Rebels for rescuing the women they had taken. His plan was to give Lizzie to Vincent as some sort of consolation prize. When he recognized Lizzie, he thought for sure that he was going to have her again. What he failed to realize is that Lizzie was not the same scared little girl that he took all those years ago. She warned him several times to stay away but the fucker thought he could use the same tactics on her as he did before. When he didn’t heed her warning, Lizzie shot him with her pink glock and that was that. Of course, I had to rearrange Zeke’s face, break some bones, and knock his ass out for even thinking about taking my woman from me.

“I know you’re all wondering why I’m here,” Micah announces bringing me back to the present.

When no one says anything, he continues,

“As I said to Eagle outside, Zeke has gone rogue. Although it’s been years, he never got over us not retaliating on his behalf after what happened with Lizzie,” he pauses for a moment and looks my way. I’m waiting on the punchline because Zeke got the ass whooping he deserved. If I had things my way, he would be dead. From my understanding he spent close to a month in the hospital. It was some of my handiest work and I give zero fucks about what he hasn’t gotten over.

“Ezra overheard him talking to someone on the phone about getting back into the sex trafficking game and scheduling meetings of some sort. When it was brought to my attention, we held a meeting and I told Zeke he would be removed from the Devils if he starts that shit again. That fucker pulled a gun on me and expressed his anger about how I run things and how we no longer take risks or do what it takes to make some real cash. He wanted to come through here with guns blazing and kill everybody for what happened to him. When I tried to reason with him and tell him that he got what he deserved, he lost it.”

“What does any of this have to do with us?” Eagle asks, sounding bored out of his mind. Just like me, he’s waiting for the punchline. We have no fear when it comes to the Devils. We’ve always been one step ahead of them in their schemes to try and take over Iron Forge. They’ve always failed and this sounds no different… or so I thought.