Page 5 of Pride

But I will not give up, either.

I need a plan to get what I want. I will not marry against my will.

And at the end of all this, Iwillbe the head of the Mucci organization.



“Ilook like I’m being put up for auction,” I mutter as I tug on the skin-tight black bodycon dress. “God. It’s like we’re livestock.”

Tina, toying with her phone, snickers from her perch on my bed. “Livestock doesn’t wear six-hundred-dollar dresses.”

“You know what I mean.” I turn from the full-length mirror to stare at her. Like me, she is also dressed in a skin-hugging number, though hers is red and not black, like mine. Tina is wearing dramatic eye makeup that accentuates her already pretty features, and a red lip that’s even flashier than her dress. Tina has always been passionate about makeup and clothes, unlike me. When she came in half an hour ago and saw the minimal mascara and eyeliner I had applied for myself, she was horrified and told me that I looked like a PTA mom, before insisting on doing my makeup, too. I somehow succeeded in getting her to tone mine down to something simpler, and even I have to admit that she did a good job. My eyes look huge in my face, and my skin is radiant, if I do say so myself, but overall, I just look like an enhanced version of myself. Tina, on the other hand, looks like she’s about to go to the club. The dark, smokyeye she’s applied gives her a sexy, come-hither look, masking the fact that she’s practically a baby — not even twenty-one years old.

Tonight is the night of the dinner my parents have arranged, at our estate. Much-anticipated by my parents (less so by me), it’s billed as simply a dinner party, but the hosts and the guests all know better. Representatives of all the prominent Cleveland mafia families will be here, including any and all eligible bachelors from the D’Agostino, Bianchi, and Vincenzi families — all of whom, my father is hoping, will be tripping over themselves in their desire to marry me.

My eyes drift from the mirror back over to my sister, who is objectively gorgeous and will probably catch the eye of every man here tonight. Wryly, it occurs to me that it will probably be harder for Daddy to find a suitor for me with her in the room. Stamatina was a beautiful child, and she is a breathtaking young woman. Even in a T-shirt and sweats, she could eclipse me in my finery. I don’t hold it against her, though. Though she’s a bit flighty and immature, she’s the sweetest girl I know. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.

Still. “You don’t seem bothered by this whole stupid circus,” I can’t help but snark at her, regretting my tone instantly.

But Tina doesn’t seem perturbed at all. She simply shrugs as she continues to look at her phone. “I’m not the one on the auction block tonight. You’re the oldest. You’re the one Daddy wants to marry off.”

Her words constrict my gut. Even though it’s not like I don’t know this, hearing her say it out loud makes me want to vomit.

My nausea must show on my face, because Tina’s expression instantly changes to one of contrition. “Oh, Sera, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it,” she exclaims, jumping up from the bed and rushing to me for a hug. “That was mean of me.”

“No, no, it’s okay,” I say as her arms wrap around me. “It’s not your fault. It’s the truth, after all. I just…” A ragged sigh escapes me. “I just… ugh, I just hate this so much.”

“I know you do,” she murmurs into my shoulder. “I hate it, too. This caveman arranged marriage stuff is bullshit. But it’s not like we haven’t known this day would come. And I’m next, after all. By the time I’m your age, I’ll probably be married off, too.” A hint of bitterness creeps into her voice. “Used like a damn chess piece for Daddy’s business, both of us.God, sometimes I hate this life.”

It’s strange hearing my sister, normally so vivacious and carefree, take this tone. Despite the fact that we’re as different as night and day, we’re fairly close siblings — always have been. But we almost never talk about our fate as mafia princesses. I guess it’s just too depressing. And since it has always felt sort of inevitable, what’s the point of even having a conversation about it? Complaining about it won’t stop fate from coming at us like a freight train.

Stop it, Sera,I tell myself sternly.You are determined to stop that train. You need courage. You need nerves of steel. Don’t give up now. Go to the dinner, make face, act like the perfect young woman your father wants you to. But don’t. Give. Up.

But even as I argue with myself in my head, I know it’s a long shot that I could actually change anything about this situation. It’s very likely I’ll be cut off from Daddy’s business entirely once this is all over, whether I marry someone or not. If I do get married, my husband will take over as Daddy’s right-hand man. And if I refuse to marry, he’d probably be so angry he’d stop talking to me entirely until I changed my mind.

But there’sgotto be another way. I need to keep my focus. Shove down my fear. Be looking for a way out of this, no matter how well-hidden it is.

Giving my sister a squeeze, I attempt to at least shift the conversation away from me. “Gianni Vincenzi is supposed to be here tonight, too,” I tell Tina, speaking of her current paramour. “Is that why you’re so dressed to kill?”

Tina gives me a withering look. “Oh, please. I’m not in love with Gianni, Sera. He’s been fun while it lasted, but…” She trails off. “Besides, he’s not the only boy in the world.” She suppresses a smirk. “I saw Stefano Bianchi at a club last week. He came over and flirted with me and bought me drinks all night.”

This is news to me. “Tina,” I say in a sharp tone. “How were you out getting drunk at a club and I didn’t know about it? You’re not even twenty-one yet. You shouldn’t be doing that.”

Don’t worry, they werevirgin,” she insists. I’m not sure I believe her.

“Stefano? Tina, for God’s sake, be careful. Stefano Bianchi is five years older than you. And what if Daddy found out? He wouldkillyou!”

“He didn’t. It’s okay. Besides, I’m very careful.” Tina purses her lips in my mirror and grabs a lipstick. “But do you think Stefano will be here tonight, too?”

I don’t answer, but I’d be surprised if he wasn’t. As an eligible Bianchi bachelor, his parents will be working on him to get married and settle down as well.

But Tina has already moved on from him. “God, Sera, what if you married Gio and I married Gianni? We’d be sisters and sister-in-laws! How funny!” She lets out a girlish giggle as she lines her mouth with crimson.

“A second ago you weren’t in love with Gianni,” I say. “Now you’re talking about marriage?”

“No, I’m just saying.” She purses her lips again into a coquettish pout, then turns to me. “If Daddy made me marry Gianni, I mean. He is hot, after all. And we look great together,so I guess that’d be some consolation if we got married. We’d make cute babies.”