Page 4 of Pride

“Not in your case.” He leans back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. “Men will not allow themselves to be ruled by a woman, Serafina. Not the men of the family. This is crazy talk. It is too dangerous for you. You would not be safe, even from your enforcers. You would have no loyalty. You would be watching your back around even your closest advisers.”

“You only say this because it has never been done!” I counter. I lean forward and place both of my hands flat on his desk, meeting his cool gray eyes with my own hazel ones. “I can show you. You know I can run this organization. You know I understand it better than anyone but you. Give me a chance, Daddy. Let me show the men what I can do. Show them that I have your confidence.”

My pulse quickens as I allow myself to believe he is actually considering it.

But after a moment, he frowns and turns away again.

“Serafina. You know it is not possible. You lack the one thing that is essential. The one thing that cannot be learned.”

“A dick between my legs,” I say bitterly.

“Do not be crass, little one,” he chides me. “Unfeminine behavior does not become you.”

A laugh bursts from me at the nickname that he only ever seems to call me when he’s trying to put me in my place lately. “You will take my ‘unfeminine’ advice on business,” I retort. “You tell me I would be a better capo than any of your other men, but you won’t let me say the truth out loud? Daddy, you really need to make up your mind.”

“You are correct, little one.” He gives me a shrewd look. “And I have made up my mind.”

“What do you mean?”

“It is time.” He sets the cigar into his marble ashtray. “You need a husband.”

My stomach drops to the floor. “I don’t need a man, Daddy.”

“Yes you do. And so does your sister.”

“But Tina is still young!”

“She is twenty. In our world, that is old enough. More than old enough.”

“But…” I stammer. “She’s still basically a child. She’s having fun in life right now. There’s no need to push her into marriage yet!”

“Yes, there is. Especially if you will not marry. One of you needs a husband, the sooner the better. Because that is who will run the Mucci organization when I die.”

“But Daddy! I?—”

“Enough!” Anger taking over his drawn features. “Serafina. As you said. I am the one who makes decisions for this family. It is true, you have been a valued adviser to me in recent years. More so than any man in the Cleveland crime family would believe. But I have given you too much freedom.” My father sits up in his chair. “You are not the head of this family. I am the one who makes the decisions for the Muccis. And this is mydecision.” His thumb jabs at his chest. “This is how it will be. Either you marry, or I will choose someone for Tina.”

I stare at him, open-mouthed with shock. My own father is blackmailing me. He knows I would never make my sister take a punishment instead of me. It’s the one way he can stop me in my tracks.

“You can advise your husband the same way you have advised me, if he will hear you,” Daddy continues, not waiting for my answer. He already knows what it is. “But you will never be head of the family, Sera. It is impossible. Accept that.”

I struggle to keep my tongue, knowing that when my father sounds like this, there is no reasoning, and no arguing. I’m livid, and heartbroken. But I know when my father is at his limit, and he has reached his with me today.

Daddy clears his throat. When he begins to speak again, some of the anger is gone from his voice. “We will have dinner with the D’Agostino, Bianchi, and Vincenzi families in a week’s time.” He steeples his fingers. “All of these families have potential suitors for you, Serafina. I will do you this courtesy and give you input into the decision. You may make the choice among the young men. I suggest Giovanni Vincenzi.”

“Giovanni?” I blurt in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

“We have done business with the Vincenzis for many years. Giovanni’s father is the Vincenzi capo, and one day Giovanni will follow in his footsteps. Giovanni’s uncle Terry is Luca Pagano’s underboss. Someday, Terry may be the boss himself. Which means, Giovanni Vincenzi may be boss of the Cleveland crime family himself someday. It’s a logical choice, Serafina. Besides, I remember you and Giovanni seemed interested in each other when you were younger.”

Giovanni and I did know each other when we were teens, it’s true. But any friendship I felt for him in the past has long since faded, replaced only by contempt. Besides which, I knowthat Tina has been dating Giovanni’s younger brother Gianni off and on — mostly in secret. Knowing my sister, it probably won’t last between them, but I don’t want to get in the middle of that nonsense.

“Things change, Daddy. I’m not interested in Giovanni Vincenzi.”

He scoffs. “‘Interested in’. This is not about whether you are interested, Serafina. This is about an alliance. I am being generous in considering your feelings and your preferences, but do not push me. This marriage goes beyond you. It is about family. It is your duty. You will choose among the young men of these three families. Or I will choose for you.” He waves a hand at me. “Now, go.”

Tears of rage and helplessness fill my eyes. I wheel around and storm out of his office, ignoring everyone and everything I pass until I’m safely in an elevator by myself and the doors are closed behind me. As the car hurtles its way toward the ground floor of my father’s office building, I wipe my face angrily and push the rising sob back down into my throat.

I am a Mucci. I will not cry.