Page 78 of Reviving Hearts

Everyone was present to move boxes from the trucks into the house. Ireland, Sarah, and Marley unpacked the kitchen while we set up the furniture in the bedroom. We wanted them to be able to sleep in their beds tonight.

Some rooms were empty because Sebastian didn’t have much in the way of furniture. He tended to get focused on one thing, which was Ember and his business.

Hanna was here, too, playing with Ember and Addy outside. When the bedrooms and kitchen were unpacked, we convened in the kitchen to eat pizza. We tore through the pies quickly, leaving empty boxes on the counters.

Emmett lifted his red plastic cup. “To the Monroes, all living in one place again.”

“To the Monroes,” Knox parroted, and the rest of us followed suit.

My heart was full now that everyone I loved lived on the farm. I wasn’t sure how long Marley would stick around, but I hoped it would be until after the holidays. She was as invested in the opening as we were.

She frequently discussed plans with Ireland to post new pictures and send emails announcing the opening.

Since it was obvious she was good at her job, we left them to handle the marketing aspect of it. As long as Emmett didn’t have to be in too many pictures, he didn’t complain too much.

“I still need to get all the brothers in a picture for the website. Can we do that today since Sebastian is here?” Marley asked, reaching for her camera that never seemed to be far from her these days.

“Do we have to?” Emmett asked.

“You know you sound like a five-year-old, right?” Ireland said dryly.

“Pictures. Pictures,” Addy and Ember yelled, always happy to pose.

“These are going to be of your uncles and daddy,” Ireland said.

“We can do it in front of trees, or we could do it in front of this new cabin.”

“The trees,” Sebastian said, and we all stepped outside while Marley found a good spot. She lined us up so that we stood next to each other and looked at us through her lens. Ireland and Sarah stood next to her.

Hanna played with the girls just outside of the shot.

Marley looked up from her camera. “You guys look like you’re going to a ballet.”

“How does that look exactly?” Talon asked.

Marley rolled her eyes. “Like you’re being forced to take this really uncomfortable picture with people you don’t like.”

“That sounds about right,” Emmett said easily, and we elbowed him and smacked him on the back of his head.

“Hey,” he finally said. “Marley’s the one who said it.”

“Act like you like each other and that you’re happy your last brother finally moved onto the farm.”

We moved closer to each other, and she lowered her gaze to look through the lens.

“Everything is right in the world because everyone you love is in one place.”

I felt my brothers relax and ease closer to each other. Knox even looped an arm loosely around my neck.

A smile curved over Marley’s face. “That’s better.” She snapped pictures. “You guys are doing great. Just a few more.”

I felt Knox tense, and when Marley looked up at him with a bright smile on her face, he made his move. He pulled me into his chest and gave me a noogie. “Stop it, asshole,” I said as I struggled against him.

I sensed Emmett and Talon wrestling on the ground, while Sebastian watched us with an amused expression on his face. “Watch your mouth. The kids.”

We all relaxed, remembering that Addy and Ember were watching us.

“These are great,” Marley said, looking at the images on her camera.