Page 77 of Reviving Hearts

My muscles spasmed around me as he took over from below, thrusting deep. My head fell back because the feeling was pure ecstasy. The warm water, the cool air, his hot wet mouth on my nipple. He bit lightly as he thrust deep one more time.

He eased me off him and settled me across his lap, his hand lazily touching my breast, my shoulder, and my hips.

“Thank you for bringing me here,” I said as I looped an arm around his neck and settled my cheek against his chest. I was talking about more than just tonight. He’d invited me into his home and his heart.



The night was surreal, and her body moving over mine felt a lot like making love. It was the moment I fell completely in love with Marley. It was deeper than what I felt for her as a teenager.

The next two weeks were busy, getting the farm ready for opening. All the trees needed to be measured and tagged, the machinery tested and set up by the barn and the gate. Sebastian worked on the schedule, and Marley took photographs and videos of the place and created a media campaign to build excitement.

Today, she wanted to do the puppy shoot while the shop was stocked. She moved around the room, taking close-up pictures of the ornaments, candles, pillows, and signs with holiday sayings, like It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

“I’ll showcase a few items every day on social media, inviting people to come on in and shop. You don’t have to buy a tree when you come, but they’ll want to once they see the offerings. They’ll remember why an artificial tree is a poor substitute.”

I walked up to Marley and pulled her into my arms. I wanted to tell her that her passion for the farm was one of the reasons why I loved her, but I wasn’t sure if she felt the same way.

She smiled up at me. “Are you ready to photograph the puppies?”

They were in a pen in the middle of the room, wrestling with each other. They were a lot bigger than they were at Christmas, but not yet fully grown.

“Do you think you can get them to be still?” Marley asked me.

I gave her a look. “I’ll do my best.”

Knox removed the playpen, which was more of a fence around the puppies, but they didn’t notice it was gone.

Marley stepped out of my embrace, adjusted her camera, and snapped a few photos. “These are cute, but I was hoping they’d sit for me.”

“I brought treats,” Emmett said, pulling one out of his pocket.

I wasn’t sure how the puppies knew—they must have smelled it—but their eyes went immediately to his hand and dropped to their butts, their tails wagging.

“Is this good?” Emmett asked, stepping out of her camera angle.

“Can you hold it by my shoulder so it’s like they’re looking at the camera?”

Emmett moved closer to Marley while she shot a few photos, then dropped to her knees to be on their level. Emmett did the same, and the puppies’ gazes followed his every move, their little tails wagging faster.

I held my breath, hoping she was getting what she wanted. The shop was fully decorated and ready to go, and the puppies were a golden yellow against the wood floor.

After a few minutes, Marley pulled something out of her bag. It was a stuffed gingerbread house toy. She threw it at the puppies, and they immediately went for it, their claws scratching for purchase on the wood floor.

Marley giggled, but her camera remained steady as they worked the toy until they pulled out more toys. Comet held a gingerbread man in his mouth, and Dash held a Santa.

They dropped to their haunches and chewed on the toys while Marley spread out on her stomach and took pictures.

The pups were adorable, and I loved seeing Marley in her element. She enjoyed capturing beautiful moments, whether it was for work or the farm.

I worried that she’d get bored with tagging trees every day, but she usually joined us for a couple of hours. She still worked on her business in the afternoons, then we’d eat dinner together or go to the main house.

She seemed to thrive in the company of my family. Everyone had become used to her hiking the farm with her camera and taking shots of the rows of trees, the barn, and the pond.

I worked on the inn every chance I had. Emmett and Knox helped me with the outdoor gardens. Marley had decided to do something simple because she wasn’t sure if she’d keep the inn or not. But I wanted to do something for her that was more elaborate. And I wanted to give her the fountain she wanted.

The day before the farm opened for the season, we officially moved Sebastian and Ember into their new cabin.