Page 58 of A Clash of Embers

Then, he walked toward me. With each step my heart beat faster. This was where it would change for us. There would be no more games. No more pretending.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked me with his beautiful smile radiating across his face.

I nodded and reached my hand to grasp his. He twisted my body around to face him standing in the middle of the dance floor. His wings spread across his body protecting us and making me feel like we were the only two in the room. His strong hand gripped my waist while the other clasped my hand. He pulled me close to his chest and I had to tilt my head to look at him.

"It's like Sefida all over again, isn't it?" he asked.

I smiled. "No. It's different."

He tilted his head curiously. "And why's that?"

I looked away from his face and pressed my head into his chest. I could feel his heart racing, just like mine. "Because before I hated you, and I don't anymore."

He sighed and I closed my eyes taking in his scent. The hint of roses surrounded the teakwood that I had grown to love in Carondelet. The same exact scent that encompassed us when we danced in Sefida. What is that scent?

He tucked his chin down on the top of my head as we swayed to the music. We didn't follow the dance; we only moved slowly with one another.

"We have so much to talk about, Clara," he whispered.

"I know we do, but right now… just let me enjoy this."

I heard the soft chuckle leave him as we continued to dance this way with one another. Without a care in the world. My eyes wandered around the room watching everyone else enjoy their time. Carefree. Happy. I watched my mother talking with a group of witches that looked more like warriors than everyone else. I wondered who they were.

"They're called the Vanquishers. Essentially anyone who tries to infiltrate the Bolzana kingdom, they destroy. They're stationed precisely at each pivotal section of Bolzana. We passed many of them on the way inside of the Kingdom, but you only noticed one. In the tree lookout. They stay hidden and they arescary. You don't want to piss them off."

I hummed slightly, acknowledging this information. I noticed the woman that we passed in the tree coming into Bolzana and realized she was staring right back at me.

She watched intently as the dance came to an end.

"I think she wants to speak with you," Ev whispered in my ear as his hand moved on my back guiding me.

Once we reached the edge of the dance floor, I looked up to make direct eye contact with the mysterious woman who had been watching us. Her eyes were dark and empty.

"Follow me, Princess Clara." She turned and started to walk. I stood there staring after her with a curious expression on my face. She didn't even give me an opportunity to respond.

A voice from behind me made me jump slightly. "I think she meant to use your legs and walk behind her, but that's just a guess."

I turned and rolled my eyes at Ev before I followed after her. I didn't even know this witch's name. Each step was hastened, and I felt like I was chasing after her because I was almost out of breath.

We left the castle and entered the city that was quiet, with only a few stragglers hanging around drinking the local ale and singing. Her steps finally halted at a strange stone building covered with vines. I stopped behind her, waiting for literally anything at all. A noise, words, a hello there. Something. Anything really.

She reached her hand over the strange onyx lock and mumbled something under her breath as the lock unlatched.When the door creaked open, I peeked my head in to glance around inside. It was completely dark.

"Go inside," she commanded while gesturing to enter the strange, dark building.

"Um. Why?" I asked softly.

"Just go inside," she bit out at me. "Now!”

I jumped slightly, moving past her into the space and said, "Yes, ma’am!"

She didn't giggle. She didn't smile.

Good gods, what was wrong with this witch?

I heard her reach behind me and she pulled a string that lit the ceiling with an ethereal glow.

"What is this place and what is your name?" I asked, looking around the space that was filled with empty shelves and plain walls.