Page 59 of A Clash of Embers

She took a few steps across the room to a shelf. What I didn't see was a small button on the inside corner. She reached in and placed her finger over it before turning her attention back to me.

"This is where you will need to stay tonight; there’s a possibility we will be under attack and my name is Estelle."

My brows furrowed, "Wha— What are you talking about? I need to get back to the castle. I need to get to my mother if there’s an attack.”

She placed a hand in front of me, making me stop my questioning. "Queen Clairece will be fine. She is aware of the people coming here. So is your...mate."

Estelle turned around and proceeded to press the button that opened a large door leading to a darkened corridor.

"I'm not going down there." I pointed to my chest to make sure she knew that I was not going.

She walked towards me and gripped my arm, "Yes. You are. Our Queen demanded it. Therefore, it must be done."

I laughed, "Aren't I supposed to be your Queen soon?"

Estelle rolled her eyes and shoved me towards the ladder to the basement. She sighed, "You're not my Queen…yet."

I narrowed my eyes on her. "You're gonna be a real pain in my ass, aren't you?"

She laughed, "I sure hope so."

So, I did what any reasonable person would do. I climbed the ladder down into the obscurity of the basement.

What the abyss is this?

Chapter 29

What is happening right now?

"This way. Keep up," Estelle commanded me.

She was scary, so of course I was going to follow her. After a minute or two of walking down the dark hallway we came upon another door similar to the one that we used to enter the building. Estelle did the same motions that she did for us before we entered this bleak and dreadful looking place.

But when the door opened, I thought my eyes would fall out of my head.

Hundreds of witches—vanquishers—stationed at different crystalline structures that had televisual properties. They were able to see throughout Bolzana in this room. I had never seen such magic before.

"What is this place?" I asked no particular person, mostly just out of wonder to anyone who would respond.

Estelle stopped her walk a few steps into the room before turning to me with a devilish smile, "This is the Beacon. It's where we keep, serve, and protect Bolzana."

I slowly looked around the room at the different witches watching the crystalline windows as I asked, "What are you looking for?"

She gestured for me to walk with her as she continued to talk. "We look for anyone who is out of place. We have a certain magic linked to every person who enters our land. A way to keep track of who comes and goes. We watch and we wait. We study movements. We are everywhere."

I laughed, "That's not creepy at all."

Estelle stopped her walk and whipped her head around to me. "It's not creepy. It is ensuring the safety of this Region. You would do well to respect it."

My eyes widened and I nodded my head in agreement, "Yes, ma’am."

She took a step towards me, "And for the love of gods stop calling me that."

I smiled, "Then what do I call you? Estelle?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, "No. You may call me Consul Loveridge."

I knew my eyebrows were well into my head hearing that title. "Why can't I call you Estelle?"