“Leo, what if I could show you parts of what I remember? Would that be okay?”
His voice was light and airy as he responded. “Yeah. I would be okay with that. We’ll need to stop shortly for the night to rest, and you can show me then.”
I nodded and wondered what I could show him and how much I could control. I had never let someone step into my mind before. I knew Luke allowed me to step into his memories once before.
It was worth a shot. Maybe he would know who Evander was in this world. He could help me find him.
Another hour went by when he finally stopped, and the group of Fae started setting up a camp with a few fires to keep us warm and ward off lurking animals. I was the only woman in this group, but I was used to that.
They’ve been distant from me. Unsure of being trapped with me. Good. I’m glad they feel that way. It ensures my safety.
Sitting on the ground, cross-legged, facing Leo, I felt like a child again.
“So, how do we do this? How do you show me your memories?”
“You’ll need to give me your hands and hold onto mine, tightly. Clear your mind and relax.” I smirked as I whispered, leaning over to him. “Actually I’ve never done this before, so if you see things that make you uncomfortable, I apologize in advance.”
Leo nodded, and I could sense his nervousness. I was about to let this man into my mind, but I knew this was the easiest way to find out where all the people I loved were.
“Ready?” I asked.
Leo nodded and grabbed my hands. They were rough but comforting, a gentle tug at my chest drew me to him. Longing to be near him. I relaxed my mind, focusing on moments with Madok and Evander in my past. Trying to accumulate a montageof thoughts that I could share with the man sitting across from me.
I focused on a bridge that could connect our mind. A string tightly curled around my precious memories. When I felt the connection to his mind, I let the memories flow as I felt everything he felt and saw.
A young girl was running through the woods when a young man stepped in to stop her.
“Watch out!” he screamed at her, and that’s when she noticed a viper by her foot. They both ran through the trees, making it to the edge of a property line. They were both out of breath and were laughing.
“I’m Clara. It’s lovely to meet you. Also, thank you for saving my life.”
The young boy responded, “It was no problem at all. I was looking for you. My parents brought me along on the trip to your home. I’m Madok, Prince of Ophera. They sent me here to find you and bring you in for dinner.”
A montage of memories flickered through the two kids stopping at another memory.
The young girl, who now looks older, probably around sixteen, was dressed in a ballgown and staring at a young man. When the man came into focus, it was clear he looked just like Leo, possibly at a younger age.
“It took you long enough,” she teased him.
“You look… you are the most beautiful girl in this room.”
Clara’s cheeks blushed slightly, and they danced closely on the floor. Love was running through them, and suddenly he grabbed her hand to lead her outside.
The memory showed the two of them standing in the garden, and then he spoke up, “I want to marry you.”
Her eyes widened, and she responded, but not before he cut her off.
“I want to marry you...one day. You are the girl I want to rule with. Maybe we could even become the land rulers of Sefida.”
They looked at one another for a long time before he asked her a question. “I want to kiss you… May I?”
She nodded, and he leaned in and kissed her gently.
Another kaleidoscope of memories stopped a few years later.
Now the young man that looked like Leo was grown, and there was no doubt it was him.
They danced and laughed. Eventually, the scene of him sneaking into her room was at the forefront of the memory.