Leo smiled at me, this time with a calmness that spread over him. Allowing him to relax.
“Alright, you shitheads. I have a pecan-crusted Flontain with a side of mashed potatoes and roasted carrots. I hope you enjoy it, Clara. As for you, Leo, I hope you choke on the pecans.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. The two of them were comical together. Both of them smiled at each other in reaction to me. When I finally caught a breath, I realized I was slightly glowing, and their faces turned to a more somber, nervous expression.
“Don’t worry, guys. I’m not going to use any of my powers on you. Promise.” I winked at Callan as he smirked, turned, and walked back inside.
“Are you ready for this?” Leo asked me, dipping his fork in the Flontain Fish.
“Born ready.” I smiled, mimicking his motion. We both lifted our forks to one another, giving a silent cheer to eating.
I took one bite and felt like I could cry from how delicious it was. That would be the best way to express my emotions whileeating this meal. I don’t know what magical powers Callan had but damn, this was the most delicious meal I had had in years.
When I realized I had zoned out and completely cleared my plate beside the skin of the Flontain fish, I lifted my eyes to see a surprised Leo with half his plate still intact.
“Well, I take it that you hated that meal? I could have sworn some handsome guy told you that you’d love it, but maybe I’m just making that up.”
I gently kicked the side of my foot against his shin, and he gasped in shock. “Hey! No need to resort to violence. That is a perfect leg you just kicked.”
A noise startled us as we heard what sounded like yelling coming from a few houses down from the cafe. Callan ran outside immediately with the door slamming behind him, looking towards the home where the screams came from. That’s when I noticed Leo jumping up quickly and following Callan. They were in an all-out sprint towards the small, red-bricked home a few yards away. A woman was crying incessantly, begging for help.
I followed them as quickly as my feet would allow me to. Once I reached the home, the door was already open, so I stepped inside. I took in the paneled walls with pictures and paintings on every inch. This was a happy home. A home made with love.
I heard the voices from the back of the house, so I followed the conversations. When I made it to the door, I took in the scene. Callan kneeled by the bed as a woman in her later years was tucked in tightly under a quilted blanket of exquisite colors and patterns woven together.
Leo stood behind Callan, placing a hand on his shoulder, whereas the young woman that yelled for help had pushed herself into the corner of the room.
The emotions in the room were burning into my skin. Anguish, sadness, and pain were at the forefront. Instinct led me towardsthe bed when Leo’s eyes snapped to mine, and he reached out to grip my arm, shaking his head in a way to tell me to back off. I brushed his arm off immediately and felt the glow of my eyes ignite, causing Leo to move away.
I wedged between the wall and Callan as I looked down at the woman I could only assume was his mother. She was a strong woman. I could sense that from standing near her. She had a determined expression even in her older age. A part of her that would never stop fighting. Her lips were slightly purple, cold. I could sense her heartbeat, although it was only a few beats every few seconds. It needed to be faster.
Beat. Beat. Beat.
She was still alive, but what was wrong?
I kneeled beside Callan, but he never took his eyes off of his mother. “What caused this, Cal?” I surprised myself by calling him that, but it wasn’t time to make that a big deal.
The sound in his voice was heart-wrenching. A broken kind of sadness that never leaves you. “She, um... She had a pain in her stomach a few days ago. She didn’t think much of it at the time. Then yesterday, she couldn’t get out of bed. Now, she won’t respond to anyone. I feel like... like she is slipping away. Leaving us.”
I nodded, understanding what he was saying, but I quickly realized that I could do something to change it. I gripped Callan’s hand, which was wrapped around his mother’s.
“May I try something?” I asked Callan softly.
Callan whimpered a yes and with that approval, I focused everything on how to channel my power. All of my love for my father into a circle in my mind, like a bubble of every feeling I ever had of him. I imagined everyone in this room felt that love. I closed my eyes as I thought through every memory I had of my father with my mother. The love of a parent. It stays with you at all times.
I wanted Callan and his mother to feel that peace. The extraordinary enchantment of love. When I opened my eyes, the room was lit with a soft yellow glow radiating from the hands that I held. Callan, his mother, andmine.
My other hand reached over to her shoulder, and her dark brown eyes flickered open when I touched her. She felt my power, but she wasn’t afraid.
I imagined that there was a crack within her that needed to be mended. I thought of weaving the broken parts inside one whole piece. Closing it together, unifying the good parts.
Then, I felt it. Pure joy. The tear trickled down her cheek as she turned her head to look directly at me. She saw straight through me into my soul. Her left hand lifted to touch mine. She patted it softly while her velvet voice covered me, “Vous êtes la déesse des étoiles. Vous êtes notre sauveur.”
I looked at her with great curiosity, but just as it happened before at Leo’s castle, a part of me knew the answer. Knew how to translate what she said without even trying.
You are the goddess of the stars. You are our savior.
I took a deep breath before her eyes locked onto Callan’s, and he gripped her in the most loving hug I ever had the joy of witnessing.