I stood, wanting to give them space to be with one another, and I turned to be greeted with a petrified-looking Leo. I walked right past him, stopping outside the door, taking in the sun’s warmth on my cheeks.
“Clara! Wait!” I heard the scuffle of feet. “Clara! Please wait, don’t go.”
Once Leo realized I was only standing on the porch and didn’t run off, I heard him release a sigh, and slow steps approached me from behind. Without turning to look at his face, I spoke. “I already told you that I will not allow any other man to control what I do. You may disagree with what I did, but you don’t havea say in my choices.” I whipped my head around to face him. I felt the emotion of…lustcomingfrom him, which caused me to tilt my head with curiosity.
He reached out for me gently, grabbing my forearm. “Believe me, Clara, I remember what you told me, and I respect that. It was out of habit. I am told not to get involved with our locals, using my powers in a way that I’m not supposed to.”
I scoffed, “Who says?”
He glanced to his feet, tucking his hands in his pockets. “My mother advised me...”
A fit of anger surged as I cut him off. “Oh, dear gods. Your mommy told you not to? You are a grown-ass man, Leo. Act like it.”
I stormed off the porch, taking quick determined strides towards the white pebbled beach ahead of me. I could hear the crunch of steps following behind me. He just couldn’t help it. “Clara. I understand why you are upset, but please try to see it from my point of view.”
I halted, facing him, poking my finger into his chest. “I already know your point of view, Leo. You are the precious prince sheltered here on this island your entire life. Allowing others to control your life, your actions, and your happiness. Believe me,I knowexactlywhat that is like.” I pressed my finger deeper into his chest and I could feel the heat in my cheeks from the anger that swirled in the pit of my belly.
“You will never tell me what I can and can’t do ever again. Do you understand me?”
His eyes were wide with surprise, nodding in agreement. “What did she say to you? Back there. She said something in a different language. Do you know what she said?”
I had already told myself that I wouldn’t lie to this man, yet my first instinct was to lie about what she had said.
“She... she said that I was the goddess of the stars and that I amhersavior.” Okay, so I lied slightly in the translation to him, but it needed to be that way.
“I am truly sorry I tried to—”
“Hey! Wait up!” I heard Callan calling from the porch towards us. I paced a few steps backward, separating myself from Leo.
Within a few seconds, Callan grabbed me and hugged me. He pressed his face into the side of my neck, and I could feel the wetness of his tears wipe on me. His voice muffled as he said thank you, and the feeling of gratitude rippled through my body. When he pulled back from our embrace, he held his hands on my upper arms. Squeezing them slightly.
“Clara. Thank you. I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” Callan spoke with such tenderness.
I smiled at him. “You can’t repay me, but youcanspend as many moments with your mother as possible. Make memories with her. The memories become a part of us, and they are what stay when our loved ones move on in this world.” He nodded and turned his head toward the ground before looking back to Leo.
“Thank you for coming today. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. I need to return to help her get situated, but I’d like to catch up with you later. Okay?”
“Of course, man. Take your time, we’ll be in touch,” Leo replied.
The walk back to the castle was much quieter between Leo and me. He was nervous to talk to me, and I was glad because I was exhausted. Not just because of today, but because of losing everyone. My thoughts drifted back to my father, he didn’t deserve to die, no one did. I knew I would need to find my mother soon, mostly because I missed her, gosh I missed her terribly, but I knew she had answers for me. She was probably just as empty as I was, it was excruciating to feel my heart and world collapse around me, especially being alone.
Chapter 7
Istayed in my room for a few days, not wanting to see Leo. I shouldn't be mad at him, but I was. I was irate.
He was a grown man, and he should stand up for himself. His mother shouldn't control him, but what it did do was give me clarity and understanding about who he truly was.
Queen Anne sheltered him, kept him away from others, and I needed to know why.
There was a soft knock at the door, followed by Leo’s timbered voice. "Clara! It's me. Can I come in?"
I sighed, leaning back into the bed. "That's fine."
Truly I needed to stop being a brat about this and move on, and maybe today was the day I'd do that.
Leo walked in with a soft white shirt clinging to his muscles that I didn't mind looking at.
"I was wondering if you'd like to train at one of my favorite places on the island."