He was quiet for a moment as he mulled over her words.
“I never thought of that. I was so wrapped up in my own failures that I could only justify that she didn’t want to meet me because she didn’t like my physical appearance. But you’re right… What if somethingdidhappen to her?”
He went silent again.
“God, what if I’ve been blaming her all along for something that wasn’t her fault? What if she…”
“You’ll find her,” Noelle interjected. “I have all the faith in the world that you will. And you’ll clear things out.”
“You’re awfully optimistic today,” he joked. “Thank you for trying to make me feel better,” he added, his tone serious. “It never fails to amaze me how one conversation with you can make me feel like a new man. You give me hope…” The last words were barely audible. But Noelle had her ear to the wall, absorbing every bit of his presence she could.
“No,yougive me hope, Raf. And I swear to you. One way or another, we’re getting out of here. Together.”
“Together,” he repeated, tipping his head back as a peaceful smile painted his lips.
Noelle brought the tablet to her mouth for a quick kiss, imagining she was kissing the real him. At that moment, she vowed that she would find a way for him to escape. Whether she could go with him, or if hewantedher with him… Well, that was another issue. And Noelle would leave it completely up to him.
When the time came for her to leave, her heart broke into pieces. Just being close to him, even through a wall, was a balm to her soul—one she couldn’t live without.
“I’ll come again, Raf. I…” she trailed off, the words on the tip of her tongue.
“I know, Lucero,” he replied, his lips tipped up. “Me too.”
Noelle mulledover his parting words the rest of the day. Even as she finished her schedule at the facility and headed back home, she still debated whether he’d meant what she thought he meant.
Had he… Had that been a declaration of love?
She was so lost in her head, that she didn’t even realize Lucero was next to her, talking.
“What?” Noelle asked, startled.
“There’s someone here to see you. He’s waiting in the foyer.”
“Who?” She frowned. “No one comes to see me,” she added, perplexed.
“He says he’s your brother.”
Noelle’s eyes widened, her mouth opening and closing. Without replying to Lucero, she dashed out of her apartment, heading to the foyer.
He was with his back to her, wearing a black suit and perfectly polished shoes. Noelle stopped short of the entrance, taking a deep breath.
“Cisco?” she called out her brother’s name, her stance full of confidence as she stepped forward.
He turned, his brows scrunching together in a frown before his expression suddenly cleared.
Her brother was a handsome man with his black hair and golden skin which were complemented by his mismatched eyes.
“Noelle.” He nodded at her, eyeing her up and down.
He was surprised by what he was seeing, she could tell. She was no longer the little girl he’d left behind. In the time since they’d last seen each other, she’d been forced to grow. And he was seeing the consequence of that.
She was wearing a pair of her custom shoes with knives for heels, a pair of dark jeans and a black blouse. It was her usual attire at the hacienda—the one thing she’d reverted back to after she’d gotten Sergio to stop attacking her. Maybe it had been her self-defense mechanism kicking in—a way to hide herself so that no one would see what dwelled in her heart.
“You can go pack your bags. I’m here to take you home,” he told her when he was finished with his perusal.
Noelle tilted her head to the side, narrowing her eyes at him.