Page 95 of Savage Wounds

“I don’t know how I’m going to go home with these clothes.” She grimaces, glancing down at herself. “Chris is gonna know what I was up to and immediately tell Michael.”

“Don’t worry about either of them.”

She furrows a brow. “What have you done?”

“Nothing for you to be concerned about. Now, how about this? I wash your clothes and you take a bath in the meantime.”

“And what do I wear after I’m done?”

“One of my shirts.”

The thought of that bare body in something I own, it smelling like her long after she’s gone… Fuck.

“Uh…” She swallows nervously. “If you’re sure that’s okay.”

“I’m pretty sure I can handle the thought of your beautiful body beneath my clothes.” My cock throbs.

“You should probably stop giving me so many compliments. It’s bad for your rep.”

I let out a laugh. This woman and her sense of humor.

“And what rep is that?”

“The scary, murderous kind.”

“I’m only scary for those I don’t like.”

Her lips perk up and her eyes enlarge.

My pulse only beats faster at the sight of her shocked expression. The thought of liking her shocks me too.

“Now, come on. I’ll run you a bath while I wash your clothes and get rid of the bodies.”

I head for the stairs.

“Run me a bath?”

I glance behind my shoulder as she gasps, popping her mouth wide in mock horror.

“You’re really not helping your persona right now.”

She’s covered in blood, but all I’m picturing is ripping off her clothes and thrusting inside her up against the wall, my fingers tracing crimson around her pink nipples. My heart batters in my rib cage as I stare at her. Those eyes gleaming. And before I can change my mind, I’m on her, hand wrapped around her throat, body backing hers up against the wall.

I lean in real close to her mouth and squeeze her soft, delicate neck. “How’s my persona now, baby bird?”

“A much-needed improvement.” She groans.

My dick grows hard at the sound, at the way she looks, all heavy-lidded, cheeks growing rosy.

She’s dangerous.

One wrong move, and I’ll step onto a grenade and she’ll blow me to bits. I’d probably like it too, which makes this even worse. This addiction. This woman. This light so bright, I can’t see beyond it.

Beneath my thumb, her pulse pummels.

“You’re making me think things I have no business doing to you, Kayla, yet I want to. You make me want to.” I drop my face closer, picturing the sounds she’d make if I fucked her. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Sometimes you should give in to those urges. Might make you feel better.” She bites the edge of her bottom lip.