And the thought of removing my mask, letting her see me, becomes too strong. It would make things easier. She would know who I am, and we could…
We could what? What the hell am I even thinking?
As I start to back away and tell myself how ridiculous it was to even consider being with her, my car alarm goes off outside.
My body instantly goes rigid.
Someone is here.
That was a calling card.
“Stay here,” I snap. “Do you understand? Don’t go upstairs.”
“What? Why?” Her face upturns with confusion. “Is something wrong? Alarms go off all the time. It was probably a bird or something.”
She has no idea the kinds of people I’ve encountered. That wasnot a bird. Or an accident. I intend to check my computers later to confirm that, but for now, I intend to stop that annoying alarm.
Luckily, I don’t live near others, so this won’t draw any unnecessary attention. The only nearby home is about a mile away.
“I don’t know what it is,” I tell her. “So, until then, you’ll stay here.”
I don’t wait for her to fight me on it like I know she wants to. I rush up the stairs and out of the house, reaching into my pocket to grab my keys to finally shut off that godawful sound.
But just as I start to turn toward the house, I notice something on the windshield. A small piece of paper.
I fucking knew it.
Quickly snatching it, I unfold it, reading the words over and over, my anger rising each time I do.
I hear you’ve been looking for me. But I’ve always been right here. Right under your nose. We’re not that different, you and me. But you seem to think so.
I’ve met your pet. I don’t know what you see in her. I was thinking of introducing myself properly. Getting to know her more. Becoming good friends. You know you can’t keep an eye on her 24/7. You’re bound to slip, and I’ll be there, taking her away from you.
While I’ve been watching her, he’s been watching me. I’ve been careless.
With a roar, I crumple the paper in my fist and stare out onto the open road, knowing the Midnight Murderer has found me.
Found my weakness.
And now he’s coming for her.
As soon as he walks back in, I know something’s wrong. His body is rigid and tense, his shoulders shuddering with hurried breaths. I stride up to him and place a hand on top of his shoulder, but he only turns around, clutching something in his fist.
I stare at his hand, an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” he snaps, and the tone of his voice sends a shudder through me.
As though sensing the effect it had on me, he pivots and cups my cheek. “Let me get you a towel so you can take that bath. Take off your clothes in the bathroom and hand them to me.”
I nod, knowing whatever he’s holding has him really upset.
But I don’t pry. He isn’t the kind of man to open up that easy. But I will find out what he’s keeping from me.
One way or another.