Page 108 of Savage Wounds

She throws an arm around me, walking forward and dragging me with her through her den that is now fully decorated for a party.Tables, a DJ booth at the end. Food, more than anyone needs in a lifetime, set at different stations. This is definitely more than I ever needed. I would’ve been fine with a quiet dinner with my friends and parents.

Jade rushes up to me, her son, Robby, running off with Sophia, who’s only a few years younger.

“I’m sorry if we went a bit overboard.” She grimaces. “But we figured after everything we’ve been through, we deserve to all celebrate something as important as your birthday.” She rounds her arms around me and gives me a little squeeze.

“Yeah, we do deserve it,” I echo her words, almost to myself.

“I heard about Chris.” Elsie changes the subject. “Kinda weird how he called Michael in the middle of the night and told him he had to leave ASAP. I mean, of course things happen, but I don’t know…it gave me a weird vibe.”

Me too.

“What did Michael say?”

I wonder if he told her what I told him about why Chris left.

“Not much.” She shrugs a single shoulder. “Only that he had a family emergency.”

I wonder if I should tell her more, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. Better not to involve them with anything that could be dangerous.

“Do you like the new guy?” Jade asks, sipping on a class of champagne.

“Not sure. I haven’t really talked to him. He kind of lurks around.” I laugh.

“There’s my girl!” Enzo swings his arm around Jade and kisses her temple, giving her a lustful gaze. “Come dance with me, baby.”

His arm curls around the small of her back and he kisses her—and not a quick peck, either. One of those open-mouthed,passionate kind that sears into your soul. And it instantly has me missing A. Wanting his mouth on me once more. Like in the closet. Where I can feel him everywhere.

“Okay, you two, get a damn room,” Elsie teases while grinning, clearly happy for Jade.

She deserves to be happy. And Enzo, he makes her feel that every day.

“Excuse me,” I say, clearing my throat, needing some air.

Because inside, I’m envious. Tears prickle my eyes as I head for the outdoors, running past Fernanda, who fixes the fancy red scarf around her throat. Not sure why someone needs a scarf, but she makes it work.

From the corner of my eye, I see my parents heading toward me. I give them a little wave as they approach.

“What a party!” Dad says. “Your friends sure know how to throw one.”

“Yeah, it’s nice.” I force a smile.

I force a lot of them these days. But with him—with A—that’s when every single one of them is real. I wish he were here, holding my hand, dancing with me. Like we’re a real couple.

Mom’s eyes water over, moisture building within them. “I’m so happy you and your friends are together.” Her chin trembles, but she saves herself from falling apart.

“Me too.” My heart lurches as I glance at both Elsie and Jade.

We escaped. We got the chance that so many girls never did. For that, I’ll always be grateful. No matter what we went through, we’re still breathing.

“Could you guys excuse me for a sec?” I say. “Wanna get some air.”

“Oh, sure, honey,” Mom waves off. “You go. Your dad and I are gonna get something to eat.”

“Oh yeah, we will.” Dad pats his rounded belly. “I hear there is lobster tail,” he whispers, making me laugh.

“Don’t forget the crab legs.” I grin.

“Alright, I’m gonna go stuff myself before someone else eats it all.” He chuckles.