My gut tightens with knots. In it is her, but younger, a baby in her hands.
“That was you.” She sobs. “That was you and me, Adriel. My boy.”
“A nurse, she took a photo of you and me.” She can barely speak now, consumed by pain I can’t seem to understand.
She left me. She abandoned me. Why is she crying like it suddenly matters now?
With a roar, I lift the knife up in the air, clasping the photo with my fingers.
“I’m sorry,” she weeps just as I slam the knife down.
She sobs heavier now, the blade carved into the wood of the chair, right beside her thigh.
I can’t fucking do it. After all this time, wishing for this very moment, I can’t do it. I can’t kill my mother.
I stare at her, unable to understand.
She means nothing to me, and yet…
“Fuck!” I pull the knife out and return it back to my pocket, turning around and rushing out of here.
She’s bound to tell Michael who I am. They’ll come for me.
Let them. I’ll give them a war like they haven’t seen before.
I’ll kill her sons. Leave her with nothing.
“Adriel! Please wait!” she screams for me. “Please talk to me. Don’t go!”
But I’m already slipping out the door, where I’m safe from her lies.
I couldn’t kill her this time. But I was close. I’ll get another chance, and next time, I won’t fail.
Because I can’t.
She must die.
And I must be the one to do it.
“Surprise!”The room erupts as I step into it.
People, so many I don’t even know, all smiling at me.
“Happy birthday,” Elsie whispers from beside me, squeezing my forearm with a huge grin.
I force one too, not having the heart to tell her how much I didn’t want this. I told them so many times, but my friends always have the best intentions. Unfortunately, they make a habit of not really hearing me.
“I know you said you didn’t want a party,” she goes on. “But your mom really wanted you to have one, and Jade and I figured a surprise would be fun!”
I laugh dryly. “Yeah, uh, this is great. Ish.”