Not with A.
He drops the knuckles with a clanking and grabs my hands, our fingers twining as one.
Blood to blood.
Sin to sin.
A connection forged through anguish. Through pain.
That’s us.
And we’re all kinds of beautiful.
She staresat me with this longing in her eyes, and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with it.
I don’t know how long I can go on this way, unable to control my emotions around her. I don’t even know what to call it except this need to make her smile. To let her eyes shine as brightly as they did when she killed those men. And fuck, did she make me proud.
She let them see what they did to her. She made them feel it. It’s exactly what I envisioned when I planned this.
“How are you feeling?” I ask her, my hands still clasped with hers.
And I don’t want to let them go. Not now. Not ever.
“Free.” She smiles tightly. “I never thought I’d get this chance. To hurt one of them. But two?” She shakes her head in disbelief. “You’re something else, stalker.”
I chuckle. “You’ve got a way with words.”
“But seriously, thank you.” Her mouth forms a tight line. “Words don’t feel like enough. I don’t know how to thank you.”
“Seeing you smile is the only thank-you I need.”
Her eyes grow wet with unshed tears. “What now? What will you do with the bodies?”
“Ah, you haven’t yet seen the special place these assholes all go into. Let me demonstrate.”
I lead her to the far wall, pressing the button to reveal the furnace. When I open the door to it, her eyes snap wildly between me and the contraption.
Within my mask, my grin grows. “It’s a furnace.”
I flip it on, and the flames erupt like a sleeping beast.
“This is amazing,” she whispers. “I couldn’t even tell that was there.”
“That’s the look I was going for.” With my laughter, I savor her adorably bewildered expression.
I start for one of the bodies, slipping my hand under his armpits and dragging him across the floor. Hoisting him up by his waist, I push his head into the opening before lifting the rest of him. And when he’s all the way in, I shut the door.
“Wow. That’s all it takes, huh?”
“That’s it.”
She swipes a drop of blood dripping from her cheek.
“How about you get cleaned up? Then I’ll worry about the other bodies.”